How SEO affects your Business

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the modern work for Getting your business on the 1st page of every search engine.

Google search engine, the most used search engine in the world, impacts all business, whatever they are or any niche they concentrate and will make your business thrive or be forgotten. SEO makes sure that it will appear and engage to more people, and you can be winning from a few extra bucks to hundreds of pounds and be known.

SEO is the way to get success online.

Here are some tips to think about and make you a successful entrepreneur/CEO!


Organic Search



Organic search is a huge part of most business’s website performance, as well as a critical component way of getting users for engagement.

Google owns a significantly larger portion of the search market, more than competitors like Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, and many others.

That’s not to say that all search engines don’t contribute to a brand’s visibility — they do — it’s just that Google owns about 75 percent of the overall search market. It’s the clear-cut leader and thus its guidelines are important to follow. The remaining 25 percent of the market owned by other engines is obviously valuable to brands, too, such as social media, with Instagram leading the ranking along with Youtube. Is always a good decision to apply to a Business Listings search engines to get more visibility.

Organic Search means that people searched for a certain product, post or idea online and if your post, brand or product contains the right description, it will appear on the 1st page of the search engine, leading to possible readers and sales.

The Organic Search, in terms of traffic, is the number one when weighting the impact of a brand on the internet.



SEO brings Trust and Credibility



Any experienced SEO writer knows that the need to establish a strong foundation for a beautiful website with a clean, effective user experience, is to be discoverable in search engines, and that brings trust and credibility for the brand.

Some elements are considered to be fundamental to deliver a good SEO:

  • Good Quality backlink
  • Positive behaviour
  • Word counting
  • Optimized content with the right anchor texts for the brand

But establishing that authority will do more for a brand than most, if not all, other digital optimizations. Problem is, it’s impossible to build trust and credibility overnight — just like real life. Authority is earned and built over time. Establishing a brand as an authority takes patience, effort, and commitment, but also relies on offering a valuable, quality product or service that allows customers or readers to trust the website or brand.



SEO It’s going to be around for a while



SEO is not a trend that will disappear in a year. To be honest: As long as search engines exist, so will SEO (even with algorithms changing every now and then).

According to’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO: SEO will never die so long as websites compete for attention and placement in the search engines, and those with the knowledge and experience to improve their website’s rankings will receive the benefits of increased traffic and visibility. Simply put, as long as the rankings are ordered, people will always want the visibility of a top result.

Considering how reliant we all are on Google to provide us with an answer to every question that pops into our heads, it appears that SEO is going to be in it for the long haul. Since SEO takes time and most businesses don’t see results or ROI for at least six months, it would be wise to jump on the SEO bandwagon sooner rather than later.



SEO brings Traffic and Money



Pushing your website up the rankings ladder has a huge impact on the amount of traffic you receive. While researching, I discovered these amazing stats:

  • #1 Ranking Position: 32%
  • #2 Ranking Position: 17%
  • #3 Ranking Position: 10%
  • #4 Ranking Position: 7%
  • #5 Ranking Position: 5%

Amazing isn’t it? By the time you get to the second page of results, less than 1% of users are clicking on your website.

It’s pretty clear why ranking higher is important. The difference between the second spot and the tenth spot can mean the difference between a bad ranked website receiving a dribble of users every day and a thriving online website driving the business forward.

It’s not just the volume of traffic that’s important. It’s the permanence. With paid search, PPC, you pay Google and Google puts your advert on its network. As soon as you stop paying Google, your advert disappears and the traffic dries up.

SEO, on the other hand, is designed to last. With SEO, your current performance is based on all the work you’ve done previously. Nothing is lost and all the content you’ve created, links you’ve built and on-site optimisation you’ve completed are functional and working towards the goal. That work doesn’t disappear overnight and neither does the traffic.

If you improve your SEO and secure a good ranking position, you can sit back and watch the traffic roll in for months or years without doing anything at all.



SEO makes you learn



Because of the constant changes in the media and in the world, SEO vocabulary is always growing. Is always goo to keep an eye on the trends and adapt your content, brand products or even the definition of your brand, to be connected with what is trending. You don’t need to change your objective, just need to tweak the words to always keep the traffic coming. The good of SEO is how the engagement with your public goes. Sometimes public – customers, readers and followers – will make comments on a certain thing and even ask about something. If you don’t know, simple research and know about the subject.

You will get 2 rewards:

  • More traffic
  • More knowledge

And knowledge is always rewarding as well as increasing the traffic or/and making sales. But beware, the competition is learning as well, so keep those minds and that engaging always daily.



The Billion dollar question: How can I build better SEO?



I hear people asking all the time: “where can I learn SEO?”.

Brands and Marketeers beware! There are a lot of places giving out bad SEO advice. In fact, there are very few places I personally trust.

But from beginner to advanced SEO advice, I’ve found to be an excellent resource. The company has great beginner guides to follow, and Rand Fishkin, also known as the Wizard of Moz, delivers weekly “whiteboard Fridays” that explain in-depth SEO processes and strategy.

Another noteworthy expert in the field is Neil Patel from QuickSprout and Neil Patel’s step-by-step guide to improving your rankings without getting penalized is great if you are looking for actionable SEO steps to perform on your website and enhance your organic ranking ability.

And, as I said previously, Trends. Learn, read, follow on social media what is trending and learn. Learning, having knowledge is your ally and mentor. Update yourself constantly!



SEO Is Cheap



Sure, it costs money. All the best things do, right? But what about learning and researching?

SEO is relatively cheap in the grand scheme of things, and the payoff will most likely be considerable in terms of a brand’s benefit and bottom line.

This isn’t a marketing cost; this is a true business investment. Good SEO implementation will hold water for years to come. And, like most things in life, will only be better with the more attention (and investment) it gets. Again, with knowledge, researching online is cheap but those hours spent learning will increase your ROI and that is our ultimate goal as experienced SEO.




Images Pixabay

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