About Me

Hi, I’m Alejandra, and I am the editor behind Alejandra’s Life.

Alejandra’s Life is all about Business and Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle, Travel, Culture, Health and Relationships. Just like in life, there are topics that resonates more with me, my experience in life and my readers agree with it. With a website with more than 300K of pageviews, I cannot be wrong about my content.

Currently in the UK, working and living (born in Venezuela, but have travelled and worked all around the world), I have a PhD in Health Research/Biomedicine (in Spain), and degree in Homeopathy / Chinese Medicine (London, Portugal, and Brazil) and in Interior Design.

I have experience in Interpreting/Translations (I speak 7 languages), Copywriting, and I am an Author with several books printed and a Freelance journalist for Reuters.

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Alejandra’s Life – My World, My Lifestyle.



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