Crosby Beach

And we went to a beach in Liverpool!..

But you can’t bathe… or supposedly can’t bathe for what people were telling.

The cool thing about visiting this beach (and not bathe) is because of the 100 statues.

The beach stretches about 3 miles North-West from the Seaforth Dock in the Port of Liverpool, through Waterloo, where it separates the sea from the Marina, past Crosby Swimming Baths, up beyond the coastguard station in Blundellsands to the estuary of the River Alt.

The beach has only really been stabilised in the last half a century or so. Previous to this at high tides the sea could come in as far as the first row of houses.
Dune management, which is still ongoing to the present day (including the planting of old Christmas trees) and the building of a sea wall have now reduced the problems

In the older dunes north of the coastguard station, between the sea and the West Lancashire Golf Club, there are still some remains of the old wartime defences.

The Another Place sculptures by Antony Gormley are found here and, after a Sefton Council meeting on 7 March 2007, it has been allowed to stay permanently. (the below photos are not mine since I didn’t had my camera with me…mothers…)

source: Antony Gormley

This statues are incredible real. There are 100 of them spreaded in Crosby and look like people standing.

How to get to Crosby beach:
We went by car but Crosby beach can be reached by foot from Hall Road railway station, Waterloo Train Station or Blundellsands and Crosby Train Station. The number 53 bus runs through South Road, Waterloo, which stops near Waterloo Station. 
Many people take the 10-minute walk from here to the end of South Road where the Marina begins and Crosby Beach is located over the sand dunes. There is also car parking at Crosby Swimming Baths.