5 Reasons To Call Before You Dig for Home Projects

5 Reasons To Call Before You Dig for Home Projects

Adding a flagpole or a mailbox to your home might seem like a relatively simple, danger-free project. However, it can be hazardous when digging a hole for these structures. Although you may think that you won’t run into any issues as you dig in the dirt, you must check for any utility lines beneath the surface. Read below to learn the five reasons to call before you dig for home projects.

Calling Keeps People Safe Calling before you dig allows you to avoid one of the biggest mistakes you can make when installing a flagpole or mailbox. It’s a good way to keep yourself and others in your local community safe.

If you end up hitting a natural gas or electrical line with your shovel, you can hurt yourself or even risk the welfare of others. Be responsible and make sure that you check so that no one experiences harm.

You Will Follow the Law if You Call

Checking before you dig is an effective way to ensure you don’t act against any local regulations. Many US states require residents to call 811 before they dig. If you don’t, you’ll be breaking the law. So by taking the time to check, you may prevent yourself from experiencing future legal problems.

Calling Prevents Utility Outages

Avoiding utility outages is another excellent reason to call before you dig for home projects. If you damage a utility line on your property, you may disrupt service for your home and your neighbors. You’ll not only sour your relationships with them but possibly make the next few days hard for everyone.

It Costs You Nothing

Reaching out to 811 to see if you have utility lines in your property costs you nothing. But if you hit a utility line, you may have to pay a healthy sum to repair the damage you caused to your property and community. You can even pay a personal cost if someone suffers an injury due to your actions.

It Allows You To Be Courteous to Others

When you call before you dig, you show your neighbors that you care about not interrupting their utility service. It even allows you to save workers the trouble of coming and fixing the line on their property so that they can apply their resources to other matters.


Checking before you dig allows you to keep yourself safe while ensuring that you can complete your home project without any issues. You’ll be able to look at your flagpole or mailbox with pride and not have to remember how you endangered others as you installed it.

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