People often struggle with certain mental health issues without noticing something wrong.
That is where therapy can help a lot – but it’s necessary to recognize the problem first. Unaddressed mental health problems can turn into something more serious and could be prevented in time.
There are plenty of challenges we face every day, and while some of them we can solve with help from a loved one, other issues require professional assistance. Unfortunately, modern life imposes a lot of anxiety and stress, which is why mental health is more common than we think.
That’s why seeking help from a professional is essential whenever you notice something is off. And this guide will help you learn how to see issues – here are the most common 7 signs it’s time to seek therapy.
Sleep/diet disorder
One of the first signs that something is wrong is disrupted sleep and poor diet. Not being able to go to sleep even though you’re tired is usually a sign you have a lot on your mind. Furthermore, mental health issues can affect how you eat, so that you may eat too little or too much.
Noticing these harmful repeating patterns should encourage you to seek help, so they don’t become serious health problems. A specialist can help you find the cause of sleeping or eating disorders, go to the root of your problem and look for the solution.
Recurring anxiety attacks
We all have things we worry about. However, anxiety can happen even if there’s no real reason to worry. If you’ve been experiencing troubling thoughts and a racing heart triggered by unexpected situations – therapy can help you deal with those.
Talking to a specialist can help you learn how to deal with such worries, distinguish the things you can worry about, and do something about them from the things you don’t have the power to control. That can be incredibly helpful when dealing with anxiety, so contact a professional to seek help.

You’ve experienced a traumatic event
Different kinds of traumatic events can completely shake up your mental health system. Responses to trauma can be different and include psychological and physical issues. Also, not responding to trauma can signify it’s time to seek therapy. Whether you’ve gone through a divorce, break up, death in the family or a similar experience, go to an expert to help you cope.
Traumatic experiences can affect your sleep and diet, impair your physical health, make you withdraw from daily life, and much more. That’s why seeking therapy is necessary for everyone who has gone through a shock.
Substances ‘help’ you relieve stress
Grief or pain is undoubtedly a sign you should seek a therapist’s help. Cigarettes, drinks, or drugs can’t solve your problem but can create additional ones. That’s why it’s time to seek therapy if you notice you’re doing it for some other reason rather than pleasure and fun.
Experts from Archstone Behavioral Health say that more significant addiction problems start by trying to solve minor issues with a casual drink or two. They advise looking for help as soon as you notice you’re taking alcohol or drugs to forget about the reality, as it can become a serious addiction issue.
You can’t seem to tolerate people around you
Being tense is common – daily stress or some specific situation can make you less tolerant than usual. However, if you notice a shorter fuse and it’s affecting the relationships with people around you – it’s one of the signs it’s time to seek therapy. Sometimes, everyday stress or work problems can tense you, leading to less patience for the people you love.
That can lead to relationship issues you can prevent if you act on time. Instead of taking it out on someone innocent, be sure to talk to a specialist, who will give you an objective opinion and a solution to the problem.

You feel overwhelmed
It’s fine to have some difficult days in a month when we feel more tired than usual. However, if the feeling of being overwhelmed doesn’t seem to disappear, maybe it’s time to talk about it. Being overwhelmed with daily tasks and having difficulty keeping up with work, school, or home maintenance for a long time can be a sign of a mental health issue.
However, this is a moment where you shouldn’t try to power through but slow down and talk with an expert about the root of this issue.

The feeling of hopelessness and despair doesn’t seem to go away
Sometimes, difficulties in daily life won’t make you stressed and nervous but hopeless and indifferent. Opposite of worrying about every little detail, you may not worry about anything. Hopelessness can become more serious and stop you from progressing in life. And if that happens, therapy can help you get back on track.
If you notice signs of apathy and lack of motivation, look for help in the right place. You’ll be able to retrieve that spark that will keep you going forward and making the most out of your time and skills.
Does therapy help only in case of a problem?
Not at all – therapy can be a beneficial way to maintain your mental health, explore your goals and needs, and develop your potential to do better in life. Even if you don’t see any signs, it’s time to seek therapy. You can benefit from it on many levels.
Regular therapy sessions with a trusted expert can help you thrive and explore your interests, needs, and capabilities – to do better at work, nourish relationships with people around you and enjoy life to the maximum.