Great healthy Snacks for the Family

I am always searching for good snacks for my family. Either to take to work or in the purse where out and about, for adults of my little RJ, healthy snacks is always in my mind (and eye).

I have been trying some awesome snacks (thank you to every brand that sent me these snacks) and here are some of our favourites (which means – we tested, we loved them, we will continue to use them).

Jim Jams Spreads


Absolutely delicious! I was a Nutella addict (I admit!) and now… (sorry if this may hurt you) I can’t stand nutella anymore. I gladly changed for Jim Jams. No sugar and no sweeteners! Excellent flavours from Chocolate spreads and jams. Absolutely delish and my little one can enjoy as well without me feeling guilty!

Yushoi Snapea Rice Sticks


Lovely pea snacks! Non oily and excellent trade for those crisps out there… Little RJ loves them in the Original flavour and have more flavours (more likely for adults… *cough me cough*). Big Thumbs up for this brand!

Munchy Seeds


Met them on BBC Goodfood show and they are innovative. To eat at home or take these snacks on the go, or why not cooking/mixing them in our meals. Have several flavours as well. Healthy seeds without being the “boring” nuts brand. Must try! (pssst…my favourites are the honey ones…).



For our kids or grown ups (really…you have to try them!). Absolutely brilliant snacks. My little RJ love them and the inside portions are the correct portions for our little ones. Must try!

Boost Ball


Deliciousness organic raw and proteic snacks. Several flavours for different states of mind. Excellent for before and after exercise or simply when you have a craving. Gorgeous!

Hansells Yoghurt


Now these…these is something different. I met Hansell’s in the BBC Goodfood show (what can I say… I love meeting good people), and I got curious about it. I used to have (like in the 80’s) an yoghurt machine that required like 10 to 12 hours or more, plugged into electricity (bills over the moon about it) and it was never like the supermarket yoghurt. Hansells does NOT require any cables or electricity and only works with the principle of warming the enzymes to create the yoghurt. It’s Milk and even on that I decided to give it a go. Me and little RJ are lactose intolerants but decided to try. The fact is that if I make at least once every 2 weeks a 1Kg of yogurt, Hansells formula doesn’t hurt us. Cool isn’t it? So basically you have a sachet with an already made powder (there are several flavours) and you add cold water and mix, then in the Yoghurt Maker you add hot water (for the fermentation) and cover, leave it between 6 to 8 hours and voila… done. Easy, practical and cheap on your pocket.



Not the shoes (that I love) but the wonderful syrups! True Agave and Maple syrup or why not a chocolate or caramel syrup. So many wonderful recipes I have to show you while using them. You have to try Clarks. (a full recipe in a couple of days).

I will continue in search of those healthy snacks… let me know in the comments if there is any snack you recommend.

All these Snacks have Artsmum Award


Alejandra for AM

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