Supporting Your Children Through Divorce

Supporting Your Children Through Divorce

Divorce can be hard on the whole family, not just the couple separating and facing a new life. When children are involved, things become more complicated, and you must tread carefully to avoid making a hard citation even more complex.

In 2021, there were over 113 500 divorces in the UK, which was a 9.1 rise on 2020, and figures from ONS suggest that half of all children come from a separated household (that is, where both parents do live in the same home).

While it might be tough for you to deal with raising your family in challenging times while navigating a relationship breakdown, your children must be at the forefront of any discussion and changes that will be made regarding your new family dynamic.

Family Lawyers

Family lawyers like Beyond Law Group can work with you to ensure that everything is taken care of with regard to both parents’ and family affairs. If you are working with a family lawyer, you can look at what options work best for everyone regarding access, child maintenance payments, living arrangements, and anything else that will affect the kids. This can help you feel confident that all decisions are being made correctly following the law regarding access and visitation, and both parties are doing what they need to so they can support their children.

Be Open and Honest

Never try to hide what is going on from your children. Children generally are very perceptive and will already have an idea something is amiss. This is a huge life change for them, and being able to talk to them about what is happening and ways can help you to ensure they are kept in the picture. While they don’t need to know every single detail, you do need to ensure they know enough to support them during this time in an age-appropriate way.

Keep The Routine

As much as possible, you want to keep to the same routine you have always had, especially for younger children. They might show signs of not wanting to do their usual activities, play up for different bedtimes and mealtimes, or even not eating their favourite foods. This is all completely normal; however, keeping to the same routine can allow them to have some familiarity in their life and something they can rely on to support themselves when everything else is changing.

Don’t Blame Them

Older children who are more aware of what is going on might be inclined to think they caused this or had some hand in it, especially if they are being kept in the dark or have no real explanation for what is happening. Reassuring your child that the divorce or separation is down to your issues as adults can go a long way to helping them come to terms with their parents not being together in the same house. This can, of course, be different for all children, but for many, it is only natural for them to worry their behaviour or demands are too much for the non-residing parent, and they need to leave.

When it comes to divorce, you need to be confident you are putting your children’s needs front and centre alongside your own during this time to help you help them how they need it and be supported during the change, which will impact them regardless of how hard you try for it not to.

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