Bimuno and Immune System – Let’s Talk Health

After the December holidays and Blue January, have you been feeling ok?

No bad sleep, no bloating, no colds (not related to this amazing weather we are having in the UK… #sarcasm) or even feeling sick?


Well let me just tell you one thing:

Our Immune system depends on several functions in our body. But majorly, our Guts, intestines, are the “maternity” of the good bacterias and enzymes that take care of our immune system, and makes us going on.

And sometimes we just don’t care of what we eat or drink and this will become a cycle of:

Immune system faulty – sickness – chemical medication – feeling better – eating well – not remembering what happen before – eating bad – feel sick – immune system down…. you get it right?


With my patients, there are 2 rules in a whole year:

Spring Time and Autumn time are THE times of the year, the seasons, to do a good clean detox and to take at least 1 to 3 months of natural medicines or pro/pre Biotics to take care of the body and mind.

This is My Rule to all my patients.

 Note: Detox is not that nonsense of super expensive teas of the Instagram.


Pro and Pre Biotics can be taken for a good price but let your doctor or therapist recommend and let you know which is best for you.


I came across to a brand that I have been taking for quite some months. Well in fact everyone here at home have been taking it, even RJ of 3 years old.

  • 1st because he goes to nursery, and nursery are the best place to get some bacterias and let your whole family sick for at least 10 days (right?),
  • 2nd because if I treat my patients why wouldn’t I treat my family too and prevent the future?

We started taking Bimuno in November, when everything was happening here at home, changing home and snow…and gosh…snow everywhere…

Besides of the stress going on, the weather conditions plus working a lot weren’t helping to neither of us 3.


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I decided start taking the Bimuno Daily everyday:

  • Adults: 1 sachet in a warm cup of coffee
  • Kids 4 and up: half a sachet per day (It was at my own risk to give half a sachet to RJ, he is 3 – But I know what I am doing, please this is nor a recommendation as I am a doctor and therapist – for any doubts send me an email or write a comment below, or simply go to your doctor/GP).


I felt more energised and our bowels starting to be like a clock and no bloating or winds.

Its actually tasteless and should be taken in a warm beverage, to boost all the good bacteria inside Bimuno.

I was so happy with the results and actually trust Bimuno that decided to write this post.

I am even prescribing Bimuno to my patients.

The price is a good one for a box of 30 days and is definitely a good product for the whole family.



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Now talking about another Bimuno product, the Bimuno IBAID.

I haven’t tried it but something tells me I am going to.


I haven’t got any problems with my bowels, such as constipation. In fact I spend my whole life with IBS problems.

When you live and work in different countries, your body changes in accordance with the food and water and even the air of the place where you live.

In the UK I am fine, in Africa or South America I am fine – the years living in south america made my defences strong, I can be in a little hotel in Tunisia and drink water from the bathroom tap and be simply fine – But when I go to Portugal, the water is so strong that my IBS tend to be back as soon as I drink something or eat. Impressive right? Now imagine when most of my family and patients or clinics are there and I have to work there several times a year…



So Bimuno IBAID is in pastille form, for people 12 years and up is 2 pastilles a day, are gluten free and don’t have a taste.

And are perfect for people with IBS symptoms.

Now IBS can either trigger constipation or diarrhoea, each of them accompanied by wind, lack of vitamin absorption and even faintness.

If an IBS is not treated or at least be accompanied by a doctor it can derivate to a chronic state and even turn into Crohn Disease.

Not nice folks, at all, my aunt has it and I have been watching her struggle and her at least dozens of operations.


Now tell me, what are your daily problems with your body regarding everything I have written today?

You can get your Bimuno or ask the Bimuno team more about their products online:


Stay Healthy!


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