Book List for July #LockdownReadingList

We will continue to Update this list this month.


Here is what we have been reading at Home:

In English, Portugues y Español!

Em Portugues:

QE Inteligência Emocional

por Justin Bariso (editado pela Porto Editora)

O que é, realmente, a Inteligência Emocional? De forma resumida, Justin Bariso define Inteligência Emocional como a capacidade de usar as emoções a seu favor, não contra si. É também a aptidão que permite ver e analisar sentimentos da perspetiva do outro. E, tal como é usado o termo QI no dia a dia, também é possível usar o termo QE – Quociente de Inteligência Emocional – quando se pretende perceber se alguém usa as emoções da melhor forma.

Com a orientação de Justin Bariso, orador e consultor especializado a ajudar empresas e pessoas a gerir emoções, este livro vai ajudar os leitores a trabalharem os seus relacionamentos pessoais e profissionais, aumentando o seu QE e a capacidade de liderar, adequando as reações a cada situação.

Conseguir o livro na Wook

Caminhos de Paixão

por Florencia Bonelli (publicado pela Porto Editora)

O muito aguardado novo romance de Florencia Bonelli, o início de uma saga narrando a história de uma das personagens mais admiráveis da trilogia Cavalo de Fogo: La Diana.

Viciante da primeira à última página, A História de La Diana é contada em duas partes, cada uma estendendo-se por dois volumes. Ao título inaugural agora revelado, segue-se, já no próximo mês de agosto, o Volume II, ambos tendo como heroína Mariyana Huseinovic, ou melhor, La Diana, uma soldado de elite de uma agência secreta.

Conseguir o livro na Wook

O Teu Nome é Uma Promessa

por Deborah Smith (publicado pela Porto Editora)

Duas famílias em tudo diferentes, um amor que começou a germinar na infância. Eis os pilares do novo livro de Deborah Smith.

Em O Teu Nome É Uma Promessa, a autora bestseller leva-nos até uma propriedade no Sul da América para contar a história de um amor que, marcado por uma enorme tragédia familiar, procura vingar, mostrando que, em vez de combater o que sentimos, há que combater pelo que sentimos.

Conseguir o livro na Wook


Coleção Crescer e Aprender

de Elizabeth Verdick com Ilustração de Marieka Heinlen, publicado pela Porto Editora

Richie recomenda!!

Em contexto pandémico, a lavagem das mãos e o cuidado com a propagação de micróbios ocupa um lugar na mente de todos, mas será que as crianças compreendem o que eles são, o que fazem ao nosso corpo e como se podem livrar deles?
Os micróbios podem ser assustadores, mas o mundo, principalmente para uma criança que ainda o está a descobrir, pode despertar muitos outros medos: do escuro, da água, de animais ou do que é desconhecido.
Concebidos para serem usados por crianças e adultos em ambiente familiar ou escolar, estes livros incluem atividades, dicas e esquemas que sublinham a importância de, em conjunto, miúdos e graúdos ultrapassarem os medos próprios da idade e saberem agir até perante aquilo que não conseguem ver.

Conseguir os livros Os micróbios não são para partilhar e Os medos não duram para sempre na Wook



En Español

El lirio de fuego


El lirio de fuego

de Vic Echegoyen


Excelente novela como Echegoyen nos a acostumbrado!

Una gran novela de aventuras y llena de sorpresas en tiempos del cardenal Richelieu.

Francia, durante la guerra de los Treinta Años. El cardenal Richelieu encarga a León, Secretario de Estado y jefe de sus espías, que lleve a cabo una arriesgada misión secreta en territorio enemigo: encontrar, capturar y deshacerse de la mujer más peligrosa de Francia.

Mientras ella burla a su perseguidor una y otra vez, León va descubriendo el pasado de la enigmática mujer: una aventurera que repudiada desde niña por los suyos y marcada a fuego por la Inquisición, conquistará las cortes de Londres gracias a sus encantos y a un ingenio sin escrúpulos.

En su afán de venganza, pasará a ser enemiga acérrima del cardenal, al que desafiará en un juego mortífero de intrigas y traición en el que ambos arriesgarán su fortuna, su vida y la paz en Europa.

Consiguela en Amazon



In English

The Pilgrim Conspiracy

by Jeroen Windmeijer, published by Harper and Collins

Perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Robert Harris and Scott Mariani.

Some of history’s most well-kept secrets are about to be uncovered…

The normally quiet Dutch town of Leiden is horrified when the chairman of the local Masonic lodge is brutally killed. Almost simultaneously, an old manuscript is discovered in which an anonymous author tells the hidden history of the Pilgrims – the Founding Fathers of the United States. From 1609 to 1620 they lived in Leiden, after which some of them left for America.

University teacher Peter de Haan is drawn into the mystery. Why did so many of the Pilgrims stay behind in Leiden? What involvement do the Freemasons have? And what relationship did Peter’s girlfriend have with the murdered chairman?

At breakneck speed, this story sweeps you away to the narrow alleys of Leiden to the vast waters of Cape Cod to the scorching hot Sinai desert in Egypt. And every step of the way, you’ll discover that history is never the way the books want us to believe…

Get it on Amazon



Nocturne House (Horror)

by London Clarke

After months of searching for his missing wife, ex-priest turned demonologist Hunter Massabrook gets a call that Laura has turned up in a New Orleans hospital. But the woman barely looks like his wife, and she’s going by a different name. Worse, she’s obsessed with another man and memories of a life she’s lived in a place called Nocturne House.

As Laura relays the story of her disappearance and the people responsible, she also reveals her connection to a dangerous cult, a group of modern-day vampires that controls and manipulates through psychological strongholds, supernatural entities, and all-too-human wicked intentions.

Hunter soon realizes that Laura is still in danger, and she remains bound to the house through her heart, mind, and blood.

In the final suspenseful installment of the Legacy of Darkness series, supernatural and human evil collide in a tale about the power and danger of living outside society’s expectations and the relationships that can ruin or redeem us.

Get it on Amazon



The House that Fell from the Sky

by Patrick Delaney

When twenty-nine-year-old Scarlett Vantassel comes to the conclusion that her life doesn’t resemble any of the things she actually wanted for herself, she drops out of school and moves back home, attempting to reconnect with the people she left behind. But a shadow falls over her return one early October morning when a sinister house miraculously appears in the center of the city, sparking a media frenzy that attracts attention nationwide.

Soon after the newspapers label it, “The House that Fell from the Sky,” Scarlett’s childhood friend Hannah becomes obsessed with the idea that the house holds the key to discovering whether there really is life after death. Undeterred by her friends’ numerous warnings, Hannah becomes increasingly consumed with the desire to enter the house, convinced it would allow her to reconnect with her recently deceased mother.

Despite a series of escalating events suggesting that the house may be more dangerous than anyone ever thought possible, a privately owned company seizes control of the property and hosts a lottery to lure the city’s residents, promising the winners a large cash reward if they dare to enter the house.

To Scarlett’s horror, Hannah uses her vast wealth to secure a spot among the winners to gain access to the house. Now, it’s up to Scarlett, her older brother Tommy, and her friend Jackson to face their fears and journey into a place where nothing is ever quite as it seems, and decide if they can help a friend in need, or if Hannah truly is lost.

Get it on Amazon



Before the Crown

by Flora Harding


Before the crown there was a love story…

Windsor Castle, 1943

As war rages across the world, Princess Elizabeth comes face to face with the dashing naval officer she first met in London nine years before.

One of the youngest first lieutenants in the Royal Navy, Philip represents everything she has always been taught to avoid. Instability. Audacity. Adventure.

But when the king learns of their relationship, the suitability of the foreign prince is questioned by all at court.

He is the risk she has never been allowed to take. The risk not even the shadow of the crown will stop her from taking…

Step through the palace gates and discover a captivating historical novel of royal secrets and forbidden love exploring the tempestuous courtship between Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip in the wake of WWII.

Get it on Amazon



No Precedent

By John Uttley

The trials and renewals of Where’s Sailor Jack? (John Uttley’s debut novel released in2015) behind them, they find themselves in a world whose faith and politics have moved beyond their sphere of influence and feel increasingly cut off from their roots.

Bob, now settled with Wendy, must reconcile old memories and new children while Richard must save his family from themselves. Along the way, they are adopted by the lascivious Lucy Fishwick and her predatory daughter Maddie, whose lives are as mad and chaotic as the radio playLucy is trying to write and, indeed, the world itself. But despite the coming plague, it doesn’t look like Armageddon.

There is to be an apocalypse, but one of personal dimensions. We don’t all go together when we go! No Precedent gives some clue as to why Brexit happened and why the red wall fell, not that either protagonist wanted the former, nor would have wanted the latter if Harold Wilson were still prime minister. JohnUttley knows the towns of the north, the county boroughs as he still calls them, and writes with nostalgia and reflexion on times gone by and times yet to come.

Get it on Amazon



Listening through my Hands: What is your body saying?

by Carly Chamberlain

This Book is for you if…This book is for you if you are suffering, physically or emotionally. If you’re not being heard, if you think you are invisible, if you get nervous in social situations, overwhelmed and at times feel sad and alone.

You are certainly NOT alone, you are simply human like everyone else. Don’t panic though, for this is where the magic is… Learning how to be released from suffering – physically and energetically requires you to discover your internal truth and express this to your world. This is the beginning of a beautiful and life-fulfilling ripple effect.

Expressing your world, to the world, with power and honesty. This book is dedicated to the silent suffering superheroes out there. Those who have a burning desire to have a voice and be acknowledged, not just by those who are close, but by the wider community. You have something to contribute, so much so that it makes your heart flutter, your belly burn, and your cheeks go red when you are faced with an opportunity to express yourself.



Families of Spies

By Brian Landers

Families of Spies, set in the 1970s, is the second in a new series of espionage thriller novels featuring novice spies Thomas and Julia Dylan.

Julia Dylan’s aunt vanishes while sailing from Kefalonia to Syracuse in Sicily. Julia’s uncle, the head of Defence Intelligence, asks MI6 to investigate butMI6 has higher priorities. The CIA have uncovered a Russian spy at a NATO airbase north of Syracuse. Julia and her new husband Thomas abandon their honeymoon and join the search.

In Syracuse they encounter a suspiciously well-informed detective who is investigating the murder of an Iranian journalist. Could it all be connected? And could the connection go all the way back to an infamous Mafia massacre in 1947? To unravel the mystery of Eveline Sadeghi’s death, Julia and Thomas Dylanmust not just understand history, but families too, especially their own.

John le Carré meets Agatha Christie in the second gripping novel in the Dylan series

Get it on Amazon



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