How To Get Your Man To Dress Better

Are you interested in fashion? Have you put love, time, and effort into learning how to dress to flatter your figure, and building your perfect wardrobe? But when you go out in your gorgeous clothes with your husband or your boyfriend, does his attire not quite match up with yours and your level of effort?

Maybe he hasn’t figured out his own style rules yet, or maybe he’s just not into fashion in the same way that you are. If the man in your life doesn’t have much interest or care in his appearance, and it’s starting to bother you, there are some easy ways to encourage more interest without offending him. Here’s how you can do it.


Plan A Date For Shopping

Next time you’re planning a date, instead of heading to the movies or out for dinner, go shopping together for a few hours instead. Tell your partner how happy this would make you to do together, and promise to treat them to something nice for lunch while you’re out, and they’re more likely to agree to do this with you.

This tactic can work even better if you head out on your own for a bit of a scouting missing. If you know exactly where the clothes are that you think would suit him, you can make the trip more efficient and much faster, meaning he won’t get bored as fast. Use your time as efficiently as you can. 


Buy Clothes For Him

Buy clothes for him, either as gifts, or just because you were out shipping anyway and saw something you thought would be perfect for him. Just because he doesn’t want to go shopping, it doesn’t mean that you can’t. If you can, get your tape measure out and take your husband’s measurements so you know what size he is, so you can buy pieces that will fit properly.

When you do go out shopping for him, only buy clothes from shops that allow returns, so you don’t end up wasting your money if you get it wrong. Wait until he’s in a good mood to ask him to try on what you bought for him. 

When you go shopping for clothes for your husband, keep a few things in mind. Try to buy things that match his style and personality. This might be less on-trend than the clothes that you would choose for him in an ideal world, but there’s no point in spending your money on pieces that you love, but that he hates, and won’t wear or feel comfortable about wearing.

If you know he has some favorite pieces of clothing, replace those with good alternatives when they start to get old. Concentrate on quality rather than quantity. Men look better in good quality clothes. For example, a beautiful sweater from Balenciaga for Men will look a lot better than lots of cheap jumpers. 


Give Lots Of Compliments

When you notice him wearing something you like, make sure to give him plenty of compliments on it. If he feels good, he’s more likely to buy more, similar pieces, especially if he knows you fancy him dressed that way. 


Tell Them When Clothes Don’t Fit

If his clothes don’t fit well, he’s never going to look good. Find a polite way to let him know if something is ill-fitting, and suggest the changes that a tailor could make to make the garment fit properly. 


Make Sure He Owns Good Basics

Basics are the building blocks of a good wardrobe. Encourage him to buy:

  • Good quality polo shirts in his best colors
  • High-quality cotton pants
  • Some well-fitting shirts
  • Cashmere sweaters
  • A nice casual jacket
  • Good quality leather shoes
  • Socks that match his pants and shoes


Lead By Example

If you make an effort, he might want to do the same. If you want him to clear out his closest, do yours first and tell him you’re making a Goodwill run if he wants to sort his clothes too. 


Lay Out His Clothes For Him

This option isn’t for everyone, as it’s time-consuming and runs the risk of you feeling like his mother, but some women do lay out their partner’s clothes to make sure he looks good. 


Educate Him

Maybe he wants to look good but doesn’t where to start. If that’s the case, you can help him and direct him to men’s fashion websites or men’s style bloggers, and other places to find good style advice to help him learn. 


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