Let’s Talk Health: Superherbs in Winter

Everyone talks about Superfoods nowadays.

They can be added to our daily food such as Goji Berries (anti-oxidants, Vitamin C) or Turmeric (which is also a Superherb, containing Curcumin, used in some Cancer medicines, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, Neurotropic and lowering the brain diseases such as Dementia, Alzheimer), but what about Superherbs?

Superherbs are herbs that can enhance and prevent and help in our daily life and towards diseases or ailments/symptoms.

If you ask your grandmother or mother, you will find that in the family there is always a recipe for a cough or for a tummy ache or for a cold, involving teas or herbs. This actually works… I am fonder (and was educated and went on to learn) to get a more precision medicine with the proper grams and mixtures for a specific disease, as part of my clinic practice. I love herbalism and was because of this that I left my Architect office to a Health profession. And most of my patients know my love for herbalism based on facts and science.

I came across a Swiss brand called Dr Dunner, from Dr Helene Dunner and situated in the beautiful Swiss Alps, and a place that looks like heaven to me and now I have that little “itch” to travel there.

Analyzing their products, and how they prepare the medicines, from the picking to the manufacture, this brand has more than 70 years old and is known for their love for renewable energies and love towards health and Earth. The organic materials and how this family business flourished and the number of good reviews led me to research a bit more and order something for my Winter here at home.

I decided to order the Nasturtium, Rosehip and Elderflower capsules with Vitamin C for the obvious reasons that Winter is more prone to colds and low immune system,  and joint stiffness (hello working in the same position for hours in the office!) and how the dry air affects my skin and my eczema flares up.



Analyzing the components:



This edible flower can replace capers and has a peppery taste, and is full of Iron and Vitamin C. It is used in skin conditions and hair loss.




Rosehip is where the seeds of a rose plan are. They are full of Vitamin C and used to treat and prevent colds, flu and vitamin C deficiency. Rosehip is an anti-inflammatory and used for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis




One of my favorite plants to work with. This tiny flower is the very definition of Superherb. Elderflower is used for swollen sinuses (sinusitis), colds, influenza (flu), swine flu, bronchitis, diabetes, and constipation. It is also used to increase urine production (as a diuretic), to increase sweating (as a diaphoretic), and to stop bleedings.


Dr Dunner Phytovitality medicine is NON-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free and Lactose Free and perfect for Winter and Autumn takes to prevent the colder weather and the flu season.




Dr.Dünner PhytoVitality Nasturtium, Rosehip and Elderflower Capsules with Vitamin C can be found on Holland and Barrett as well as on their website, and is like a fruit smoothie in a capsule and a unique product developed by a professional and experienced team of phytochemists and pharmacists, combining the highest quality summer fruits and flowers and vitamin C to help maintain the immune system.




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