The Elf on the Shelf®

I love Traditions…and Magic!

And for me: Christmas IS Magic!

You have those traditions that you know because your parents taught you and then you have the tradition you want to start to create at your own family.

Tradition makes who you are, so they should always be a happy thing, so the memories can be cherished every time you think about it!

This is one Tradition I am starting with my son and the rest of my family.

I am so deeply in love with it, that I think, have spoke to everyone about it.

It’s about:

The Elf on the Shelf®

What is The Elf on the Shelf®?

The Elf on the Shelf® is a magical Scout Elf that arrives normally after Thanksgiving (US) that will be in the 26th of November (is always the fourth Thursday of November).

The Scout Elf will magically appear at your home, but beware!
He is Santas’ Scout! And Everyday after you go to sleep he will fly to Santas’ workshop to tell Santa what you did and how you behaved that day, returning to your house every morning. You will find that everyday he will be in a different place resting or hiding and waiting to see you! 

But attention! 

He cannot speak at you since his job is to watch and listen to you and what you do, and you can’t touch him either! 
Human hands cannot touch him! This is a very important rule you should always remember. Or he will loose his magic. 

As soon as he arrives at your home, you must give him a name. Everyone has a name right?
You can tell what you would like to get from Santa on Christmas and if you want to tell him secrets or tell your daily life, your worries and happy times, you can share with him those moments. 

On Christmas Eve say farewell and a “see you next year” (if you were good) because he will return to help Santa delivering the presents.

There is also a lovely book called The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition that the Scout Elf left at your door, so you know how to help him. Please keep the Book with you forever and when is Christmas time give it a good read. Reading is always good! 

This Tradition is staying with me forever!

You can see more about the The Elf on the Shelf® Here

What is your tradition at home?

Cheerio #ChristmasTradition

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