5 Ways to Get Your Website Noticed

5 Ways to Get Your Website Noticed

Whether you’re running a remote business or are trying to get your brick-and-mortar store off the ground, a website is essential for reaching customers and helping them learn more about who you are and what you offer. But, with millions of websites to visit, you need to give customers a reason to visit yours. You need to stand out, so here are five ways to get your website noticed.

Make the Most of Keywords 

Keywords are crucial for helping your website get the attention it needs and deserves. Every query on search engines is built upon keywords, so you need to know which are most popular or common in your niche. If this sounds like a lot of complicated hard work, you can seek an SEO agency to cover all the tricky business while you focus on making other improvements to your website.

Speed It Up 

The average person spends about three to five seconds waiting for a page to load before they close it. If you aren’t getting the positive hits you expect, you’ll need to increase site speed to ensure everyone who visits your sites stays to find out what you offer. There are many techniques to speed your website up, including compressing images and not hosting too many (or indeed any) videos, especially not in 4K.

Use Different Content 

Customers have many ways to discover your website. Search engines are the most common, but what about social media? If you aren’t making the most of social media marketing, you’re missing out on a considerable number of customers. But you should create content that appeals to different demographics. TikTok and Instagram are all about short, easy-to-digest content, whereas Medium is perfect for in-depth blog posts or essays. If you can create the right content for the right platform, you will attract more customers.

Add Your Site to Online Directories

Adding your website to online directories is a simple and effective way to get your website noticed. Here, website search engines recognize what you do and where you are based, so anyone searching for your type of business in your area may come across your business as the first hit. If you want to put your company in the best position, be as thorough as possible with their information. Include everything you can, such as your website, contact details, opening or operating hours, and your location if you have a physical office or store.

Get It Verified

Websites verified through Google Search Console are more likely to rank highly on search engines, but this is a tactic that many small businesses don’t consider or even know about. The search console is a way to measure various metrics, including traffic, and point out potential problems, enabling you to make changes and improvements that ensure your website is noticed above all others.


Getting your website noticed is only the first step. Not only do you need to give customers a reason to stay, but they also need to feel comfortable returning. Once you have optimized your website and covered all the basics, it’s time to use data and analytics to identify possible issues that cause customers to leave.

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