Best Makeup Tips for People Suffering From Facial Allergies

People with facial allergies are prone to getting acne from makeup products, partly because their skin is hypersensitive and partly because makeup products have ingredients like alcohol, fragrances and colourants which trigger allergic reactions of the skin.

There are certain precautionary measures and tips that help reduce the negative effects of makeup on your skin, so let’s begin with the list.

  1. Keep It Clean:

Cleanliness is what saves your skin from getting all the bacterial infections. Before you apply makeup, wash your hands and face thoroughly. Keep the sponges clean that you use for your nightly cleansing and always remove your makeup before you hit the bed. Keep cleaning wipes with you through the day to wipe off excess dust and don’t let it sink in the skin.

  1. Use Your Own Products Only:

I’m surprised how people can overlook this very simple clue to having crazy breakouts. It’s the product, people! You cannot possibly use the same blush brush or eye shadow brush. If this is how you do your quick makeup fixes, you’ll inevitably catch an allergy from one of your friends or gift them one. Never use anyone else’s cosmetics. Period!

  1. Throw Out Old Makeup:

This post should serve as a reminder that you need to fish through your cosmetic bag and find cosmetics that are outdated and expired. There are many signs that show that a cosmetic has expired, such as a change in texture and smell. Your skin might itch or feel a burning sensation when you apply the product. Some products have an assumed shelf-life. For example, you should swap your mascara for a new one every three months. It’s for you to decide which product stays in your makeup bag and which doesn’t.

  1. Test Before You Buy:

It’s advisable to test the product on the back of your hand or wrist to figure out if there’s an instant rash or reaction to it. This goes especially for products like facial scrubs etc. because allergies are unpredictable to am extent.

  1. Be Careful of The “natural” Products:

I am convinced that a lot of products are made from materials that are completely and entirely natural, however that does not mean that people cannot get allergies from them. Cosmetic ingredient lanolin, for instance is extracted from sheep wool. It is used in moisturizers and various other cosmetics. But at the same time, it is a leading cause of dermatitis.

  1. Buy The Right Makeup:

Last but not the least; buy the safest makeup products that are labelled as hypoallergenic or allergy-tested etc. Even when buying tested and stamped makeup products, prefer buying the high-end brands because it ultimately affects your own skin. Always rely on reputed stores and outlets and splurge on products that come in direct contact with the skin. Find some amazing hypoallergenic makeup products here!


It is essential to take care of your skin and protect it from getting worse – makeup is used to make your skin look flawless but it shouldn’t ruin your skin either. Stay pretty and smiling!


Author Bio:

Jane Williams is a makeup artist and stylist.

She is obsessed with fashion, makeup and new makeovers.

She regularly blogs at



Thank you Jane for this wonderful Blog Post and sharing your tips. 

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