David Bowie: A Life by Dylan Jones

I remember reading about Bowie’s death and getting tearful about it.


2016 took some my Idols away, such as Bowie or Prince, one after another, and I remeber thinking:

“An incredible Era if finishing”.

Bowie was eccentric and enigmatic and I remember watching the video: “Let’s Dance” sitting on the floor of my home in Venezuela when i was perhaps between 5 to 6 years old and thinking: what is going on on this music and why the colours are like that??” – a child’s perception of art.



My parents were Bowie’s fans, we had his records at home, we were always a musical family and that is something I want to pass it over to RJ.


Unfortunately, and not wanting to sound an old nag, Music took the wrong turn, and good artists that play real instruments or have a knowledge of studying proper music, notes, scales or even writing good music, is something that is on it’s lowest point for me.

To many Synths, to many auto-tunes, too much fame and too much social media and dramas – but never focusing on true music.


Bowie was and will always be an inspiration for me.

The eccentric man that went through a phase calling himself as Ziggy Stardust and later hating that part of him, almost like a live character, marrying the beautiful Iman, the 1st person I’ve met that had 2 different eye colours, will always be part of who I am as a musical individual.

Major Tom will always live in my thoughts.


I have a motto in life which is: Never meet your Idols. Been there and done that and actually hated it; so normally I don’t read about their lives or biographies but this book is actually pretty amazing!

Take a read at this magnificent book by  Dylan Jones about Bowie’s Life.

A superb book with facts and photos, great for any David Bowie fan.


Get your David Bowie: A Life on Amazon

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