Free From Italy – the importance of a Allergen free brands

You all know by now my love for Pasta as my family cooks pasta like no other (Hi mama!)

But what about when you have food allergies such as Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Eggs or Soy?
You have to eat right?

Food Allergies are not a joke. Imagine this:
Your car runs on Petrol and you put Olive oil in it. It’s not going to work and can really damage your engine making your car be permanently ruined.
That is what happens with food allergies. You feel sick, with lots of pain and it can lead to death. You need to be extra careful with what you eat but live your life like normal.

Me and my son RJ are Lactose Intolerant. We don’t eat dairy, but we can tolerate cooked cakes with a bit of milk, or a bit of butter, but nothing with milk or condensed milk or even cream. This will make us have a lot of pain in the intestines and feel sick.

There are people allergic to Gluten and Wheat (Coeliac can get help from the NHS), others have intolerance to eggs or peanuts.

And many more.

If you think that you feel sick, with lack of strength or even not sleeping well or simply feel pain, please go to your doctor.

So what to eat?

Free from Italy is a Homemade Pasta and Sauces, really made in Italy and 100% Allergen free!

Best of it: AWESOMELY GOOD!!!

In this post I am only writing my experience with this brand, I didn’t knew them and simply loved the taste, Tomorrow I will post a great and easy recipe that I had made.

I have tried many Gluten and Dairy free brands and some of them I didn’t speak of because I had a bad experience, sometimes making me believe I had to buy imported thing from other countries.

For 15 brands I had tried, unfortunately 5 of them (till now) were good, the other 10’s, the lack of flavor or when cooking it (really) melted away in an awful goo and unproper to eat… No need to talk about them.

Free from Italy has Different kinds of Pasta and Sauces such as different Pesto and Tomato sauce as you can check below (click in the Free from Italy logo)

And that’s not all!

Free from Italy has won several awards and they were well deserved.

At Artsmum we give an award to free from Italy as well!

Great Products and Great taste for people with food allergies. 

Thank you to Free from Italy for the goodies and for the products for people with allergies.

Cheerio #freefromitaly

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