Items To Declutter Today for a Stress-Free Home

The world is so full of stuff already, so you may wonder why we allow it to enter your home and take up space there as well. There are certainly things you need or at least use regularly that justify their existence in your home. However, many things tend to show up, find a spot to occupy, and end up underfoot and in the way. That’s not good for your mental health, and giving such items the boot ensures cleaner spaces and a clearer mind. Of course, it’s sometimes hard to decide what stays and what goes. To help make the process easier, we cover several items to declutter today for a stress-free home.

Expired Pantry Items

A well-stocked pantry offers a sense of security, but an overstocked one can only contribute to stress. Review the kitchen shelves and look for reasons to toss whatever’s there. Expiration dates make it easy to decide whether to pitch a package, of course, but if a product seems to be past its prime, give it the heave-ho. Unopened, never-used, and nonperishable products may still be good. But if you haven’t used them by now, you never will. Donate them to food banks and similar institutions that accept such donations. Apply this to unused kitchen gadgets too!

Old Magazines and Newspapers

If you haven’t read through that stack of old magazines and newspapers by now, you probably never will. Pick a date to sit down and sort through them, skimming the table of contents for articles you want to read. Set a time that day to read them, and if you don’t, toss them away without a thought. You can clip articles, recipes, and the like and keep them in a folder. However, you may want to set a deadline for them as well. Either way, recycle old newspapers and magazines to reduce visual clutter.

Cleaning Product Clutter

Are your closets and cabinets bulging with cleaning materials, disinfectants, and similar accoutrements for keeping house? Take stock to see what’s still useful and in use and what’s simply taking up space. Look for rust, corrosion, and buildup on cleaning products you haven’t used in forever. Shake containers to determine if they have the barest amount of product left, use them up, then recycle the containers. This goes for disinfectants as well as other remnants from the pandemic, such as hand sanitizer, which you should never put in the trash. Throw away extra rags, especially dirty and worn ones, as well.

Makeup, Toiletries, and Unworn Clothes

Visit your closet, makeup table, or wherever you get dressed up. Are there clothes, toiletries, and other items you never wear or use anymore? They must go! Separate clothing into three piles for keeping, donating, and discarding. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, let it go. Look for expired lotions, half-used tubes and jars, never-used products, and old makeup. Dispose of them responsibly to bring serenity to your closet and bathroom.

Those are just a few items to declutter today for a stress-free home. Decluttering doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Tackle these specific categories to make strides toward a cleaner and calmer home.

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