Money and Motherhood: Working Around Having Kids

Money and Motherhood: Working Around Having Kids

Working around having a family is something that women have struggled with since entering the workplace after WW2. While we live in a fairer society than we once did, for the most part, women tend to be the primary caregivers to their children. While this is an incredible and wonderful experience, it does mean that when it comes to career and finances, it can be really difficult to juggle.

Thanks to the internet, changes in the way we shop and advancements in technology in recent decades, we are in a better position than what we used to be in terms of earning money. This is because things can be done in a more flexible way. There are more opportunities to work from home, many workplaces have become more flexible in the way they operate and it’s easier to set up your own business.

While you still have to contend with fitting everything in time-wise and finding the right balance between work and kids, there are some options out there. Here are a few you could consider.


Work as a remote worker

If you can find a job that enables you to work from home, this could be ideal for earning around having kids. Lots of remote jobs will give you your tasks for the day and allow you to do them in the order you want, as long as it’s all completed by the deadline they set. This means you can take your kids on the school run, get jobs done around the house and anything else you need to do around your work.

If you stay organised, it’s one way to bring in an income while giving you some much needed wiggle room. You don’t have to be at a workplace by a set time and stay there for a set number of hours meaning your mornings will be less rushed and stressful. You don’t have to wear any specific clothes or look a certain way, you can sit at your home computer and simply get down to business.


Choose a business that can be done in a flexible way

Setting up your own business can be a fantastic way to earn money around having a family. Anything from setting up a cleaning business to becoming a mobile makeup artist, hairdresser or photographer would work well since you can choose how many clients you take on and arrange your days around the appointments you set.

Some of these would enable you to work from home and have clients come to you which would be even more convenient. Start by undertaking the relevant education or experience that you need to get qualified and then you can work on building up your client base.


Create a business that runs without you 

A business that pretty much runs without you is the dream, you get to earn profits but without investing much time- so you’re free to get on with other things. It can take a lot of time and effort to get to this stage, if you set up your business before having children with the goal of doing this, by the time your little ones arrive you’ll likely be in the best position possible.

By hiring other people to do the work that you do and utilising the right technology from sap inventory management to automated customer service software it’s definitely possible. Other forms of passive income could involve making investments, this could be anything from investing in property to crypto or the stock market.


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