In a couple of weeks, I will speak on my journey of weight loss with some tips and videos.
Meanwhile I am preparing and “battling” with it, I can show you one of the things that is really helping me on losing weight, exercising and not getting bored quickly:
The Polar Loop 2 Activity Tracker
So what is an Activity Tracker?
An Activity tracker is a “kinda” watch buddy that you wear in your wrist every day, every time or at least when you want to track your daily movements (even during the night) so you can have an “incentive” and see where you can change your ways so you can be healthy.
I was never a fit bunny gym, but I like to do my exercise at my own pace and gym and training is not something new to me.
I like to take care of myself but since I had my baby, time was not a thing I could make anymore and when I had the time, the tiredness was so much that I really didnt cared about exercise, I just wanted to sleep.
Most of you parents can see yourselves here right?
So as a Nerd as I am about gadgets, I thought of an activity tracker… I read about lots of activity trackers and what they could do (you can even play games with it…woohoo!) and one brand called my attention: Polar!
I was so excited to have one, that since it arrived, I made the videos (below) ad I don’t take the Loop 2 off for anything!
Not even to sleep or take a bath.
Why? Simple:
- I want to track my daily activity
- Track my rest and sleep (I am not a good sleeper since ever, but want to analyze myself)
- Track my steps/running (yes this mama started to jog…bit by bit still, but I am getting in there)
- Have something that if I get a period without exercise or move around, it will alert me so I can get up and move
- Have something that alerts me of messages (like mobile messages or whatsapp) and even incoming calls
- A cool gadget bracelet, practical and still elegant.
With Loop 2 I say:
Check to all above!
Fits in every requirement I wanted.
With Loop 2, you can have your alarm on with a soft vibrating, you also get apps for your smartphone and gives you a chance to schedule your daily routines and where to move.
I LOVE my Polar Loop 2!!
I am so happy and each week I am challenging myself on the steps so I can see that Activity bar increasing! (once a geek…).
See my Video so you can have a notion on what I am talking about
Cheerio #polarloop2 #activitytracker
Thank you to Polar
My opinion is Honest and Unbiased