1st day of Nursery: Mum vs Son

Ok, so today was little Rj 1st of Nursery.

After 26 months being on my side everyday, I only slept apart from him (as in I was traveling and he stayed at home with dad) just once… it was hard.

Many of you already went through this but guys…it was hard.

My rational size says it’s going to be fine, and it will be good for him, for his development, and good for me to have a little “me time”… and work even more.

My mother side says this will be hard but we both will get used to it and my little buddy will be learning on his own how life is,still thinking if he is going to be well fed, or changed properly, or if someone is going to hurt him… and this is hard. your heart will be the size of a little pea…

In the UK you have a period of probation for both child and mother, so you will start before his official start, spending time with him in the nursery, between 1 hour to 2 hours, so the child can make friends and start to learn is a friendly environment. He started to play by himself, all the boys and girls wanted to know more about him, and then it got that time, when i left him in the room and waited in the entrance.

After 1 hour i went to his room, I was thinking that he would make a scene because he wanted to be a little more playing…my oh my! He was sobbing (he doesn’t sob…like ever… unless he is really but really hurt, since he is such a cheerful child) and when he saw me…ui! He ran over to grab me and embrace me while sobbing hard. Remember the heart of a size of a pea above? It got smashed.

Of course as a mother you cannot let him know how your heart feels. Every child goes through this. Every person has this feeling, and they feel like they were left alone by their parents, abandoned with strange people in a strange place. So our job, even if aches, is to make sure that school/nursery is ok and everyone in there will always take care of him.

The staff is really good and well prepared for this, so let’s wait for day 2 of this process.

But mums and dads… prepare your hearts and strength… it’s hard.

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