5 Tips On How To Cope When Your House Is Being Renovated

If you’re planning on getting your home renovated this year or even just one room, it can cause you a lot of disruption. However it’s also very exciting and once the work is done, you’ll be able to benefit from having your dream home or dream kitchen or whatever it is you are transforming. You can make life easier for yourself by following these tips so that having the renovation done doesn’t disrupt your life completely.



Do Everything Done In One Go

If there is more than one room to be done and you can afford to, get them done together. You might as well have the mess and disruption just once. Plus this means that you can have the same contractor for all the rooms and everything will be simpler and aligned.


Keep Your Stuff Safe

Rather than trying to cover everything with polythene sheets to stop it from getting ruined, why not make more room and use a secure self storage unit to put big things like your furniture in or valuables that you can’t afford to get ruined. This way you don’t need to worry about your things and then once all the work is done you can get everything back and it will be clean and safe. 



Prepare in Advance

If you know that your kitchen is going to be out of action for a while then you need to do some prep. For example, you could move your microwave to a different room as this only needs an electric plug socket to work and you could make meals ahead of time and put them in the freezer. This way you’ll be able to heat your healthy home-cooked meals up and dinner won’t be an issue for you. It saves you money, keeps you healthy, and stops you from getting bored with having takeaways all the time.

Then if you know that you’re not going to be able to access your bathroom for some time, while you can’t prepare showers in advance, you could speak to your neighbors and see if it would be possible to use their facilities for a couple of days or join the gym so that you can get fit and clean at the same time. 



Stock Up On Essentials

Make sure that you have plenty of tea and biscuits in the house for the builders to keep them happy throughout the day. As well as this though, remember that this will be a stressful time for you too and so make sure you have plenty of wine, chocolates, and biscuits in too, to keep you going.  


Keep Your Eye On The Prize

Even when things seem hopeless and you’ve had enough, remember what you’re doing this for. Your house won’t be a building site forever so keep reminding yourself what the end goal is and how wonderful your home is going to be when it’s finished. It will be worth all the hassle and disruption, in the end, this time is only temporary.



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