6 Tips for Using a Standing Desk at Your Home Office

It’s been close to a year now since we had to transform our homes into offices. By now, we have learned a lot about working from home and what works best for each and every one of us.

Somewhere along the way, we have also learned that too much sitting behind the desk is unhealthy and detrimental to our health. Many of us have also discovered and invested in standing desks.

A standing desk is a piece of furniture that offers many benefits, from burning more calories to improving your mood and energy levels. But, in order to reap these benefits, you should know how to properly use a standing desk.

If you’re one of those people who already have a standing desk or if you are looking into buying one, here are some tips on how to properly use it in your home office.


1. Adjust your desk properly

It’s important to know how to properly adjust your standing desk because if you don’t you risk injury and that’s the last thing you want.

Ideally, standing desks should be set at your elbow height. You can adjust your desk by placing your elbows at 90 degrees with your wrists straight in front of you.

This is important because if the height of the desk is improperly adjusted, you risk arm and hand injuries.


2. Don’t stand too long

Too much standing, just like too much sitting isn’t good for our overall well-being. The best solution is to alternate between sitting and standing which is the whole purpose of standing desks.

Try to discover the balance between sitting and standing. For example, try sitting for two hours and then switch to standing for an hour and do so several times during the working hours. Simply, try to find an ideal amount of both standing and sitting. What is most comfortable for you.



3. Find good support for your feet

Long periods of standing can cause pain in our feet. This is bound to happen but there is a way to help you avoid or reduce this kind of pain. Anti-fatigue mats are an ideal way to prevent any pain caused by standing for long periods.

These anti-fatigue standing mats are designed to provide extra cushioning and comfort under your feet. Apart from reducing pain, they provide other benefits such as increasing productivity, stimulating movement, and so on.

They are durable, and they will blend right into your office space.


4. Invest in arm supports

If you’re worried that standing desk will cause shoulder or neck pain, don’t worry there is a solution for this, too. Arm support is designed to give padding to the surface where your arm meets the desk.

It provides padding and reduces pressure on your wrist when you’re using a computer mouse. If you’ve had problems with neck and shoulder pain, these supports will significantly reduce it and make working at the standing desk more enjoyable.



5. Adjust the position of your screen, mouse, and keyboard

The position of your screen on a standing desk is also important for your well-being. That’s why your screen should be at least 20–28 inches (51–71 cm) from your face (this will depend on what works best for you). Also, the top of the screen should be eye-level and it should be tilted upward at a 10 to 20-degree angle.

When it comes to the mouse and keyboard, when you’re standing, they should be positioned at the same level in order to protect your wrists.

If you notice the pain in your wrists is still present, consider investing in the above-mentioned arm supports.


6. Take breaks

Just because you have a standing desks doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take breaks. Yes, standing desks are an improvement over constantly sitting, and you can stretch and move at the standing desk, but breaks are still important.

Taking enough breaks during working hours can help you maintain productivity and energy levels high throughout the working day. Also, breaks provide rest for your eyes, time to clear your head and eat.



Having a standing desk is not an advantage if you don’t use it properly. Standing desks are in no way a replacement of sitting desks, but merely an addition to them. Standing too long, just as sitting, can cause severe health problems, so it’s a good idea to know how to use the standing desks properly.



Article by Emma Williams

Emma is part of Alejandra’s Life Family Team


Images from Pixabay

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1 comment

  1. I think I’d like to alternative between standing and sitting. My step count has gone right down since working back at a desk more days.