How to Move to a New Place… Painlessly!

By Dylan Bartlett


Moving day can be a massive headache, but it doesn’t have to result in broken china and shattered relationships. If you’re about to move, you can take steps to prepare, to reduce the work and soften the experience. Getting an early start is one of the best ways to avoid last-minute mishaps.

To begin, establish a systematic process. You’ll overwhelm yourself if you try to tackle everything at once. By following a methodical approach, you’ll be in your new place in no time.


1. Start the Notification Process Early

Everybody from the Internal Revenue Service to your Coffee of the Month subscription needs to know where to reach you. If it’s close to tax time, you can change your address on your return or use IRS Form 8822 (USA) to complete the process.

Make yourself a checklist of the people and groups you’ll need to notify. Consider the following.

· Your family and friends: Don’t post address information on social media. Contact the people you want to have this info directly.

· Your previous employer: They need to know where to send tax forms and letters of recommendation, etc.

· Your online shopping memberships: It’s frustrating when you order a new iPad and it ships to your old address.

· The post office: You can set up mail forwarding or even pause your mail if you have transition time between addresses.



2. Give Yourself Ample Time

When it comes to the actual moving day, the date depends on your schedule. If you need to minimize time away from work, the weekend is ideal because you have two days to complete the process. You’ll also encounter less traffic.

However, if you can afford to take time away, doing so during the week enables you to plan a long weekend to recover after hefting boxes.

Begin packing nonessential items as early as possible. Work through one room at a time. If you have considerable furniture, you might consider a moving pod instead of a truck. This way, you can load bulkier items a bit at a time, sparing you some backpain. Why not think about getting best carry-on luggage for packing your moving and save some time?


3. Perform a Thorough Walkthrough Before the Truck Arrives

It doesn’t matter if you’re renting or buying — whenever possible, schedule an in-person walkthrough before the truck arrives. Your landlord or seller will likely agree to correct minor defects, but only if they’re confident that you didn’t chip the paint with a careless knock from your bedframe on move-in.

Plus, once you settle your couch and other sizeable items, it’s more challenging to see problems lurking behind them.




4. Investigate Utilities and Schools

If you have children, you want them to have the best education possible. Take the time to visit your local schools so that you know what to expect. Always try to meet the faculty.

It’s also essential to contact your utility providers to obtain a letter of credit so that you don’t have to pay a deposit to set up new services. Arrange to have someone turn on the AC or heat before the truck pulls up so that you’re not left to swelter or freeze while carrying boxes.


5. Label Everything Clearly

You don’t want to be like the hapless college student who lost her expensive stereo when a friend dropped the box, so label everything clearly. This rule goes double for fragile items.

Plus, it makes it simpler to organize everything when you reach your destination. Spare yourself the trouble of carrying boxes to the bedroom only to lug them back into the kitchen.



6. Get Brutal With the “Annual Purge”

How much do you genuinely need? If you’ve secretly mused whether your dorm room futon belongs on a curb alert, it probably does. When sorting your belongings, ask yourself two questions.

When did I last use this item? Does it bring me joy?

If it’s been over a year, and it doesn’t add value to your life, donate or sell it.


7. Thoroughly Vet Your Movers

Before you book a mover, make sure they’re not going to flee with your stuff or hold it hostage for outrageous fees. You can research whether a company is licensed and insured through the Federal Motor Safety Administration.

You can also use online review sites like Yelp to help you locate reputable helpers.


8. Carry a Stash of Small Bills

When you move, you may need to thank multiple people in the form of tips. Everyone from the pizza delivery person to the hotel maid deserves a reward for their assistance, so carry small bills on you.

This tip is particularly essential if your move takes you through rural areas. Believe it or not, some establishments, especially in rural areas of the west, still operate on a cash-only basis.


9. Treat Yourself With TLC

Hey, moving is hard, and you deserve a reward for your efforts. If possible, give yourself at least one extra day off to rest and recuperate. If your budget won’t permit time away, treat yourself to a spa day at home or at least sink into a nice, hot bath for an hour or two.


Make Your Move Seamless With These Simple Tips

Moving can prove challenging. But with these tips, you can pull off your move like it was nothing at all.


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