Divorce is unfortunately common, but that doesn’t mean everyone fully understands it. Because of bad media and one-sided stories, there are a lot of misconceptions and myths about divorce and the different processes a couple goes through to get one. Read on to learn some of the most common divorce myths and whether they are true.
You Can Only Get Divorce for a Specific Reason
While in some states, it is true that you can only pursue a divorce if there is fault in the relationship, this is not true for every state. You should look into your state’s specific divorce laws before coming to conclusions about what you can and can’t get a divorce for. For example, if you are in a fault-based divorce state, something like adultery can create grounds for divorce. A myth piggybacking off this is that if you are adulterous, you lose everything in the divorce. Infidelity doesn’t influence the divorce settlement unless it negatively impacts a spouse’s finances.
Gender Bias
One common myth with divorce is that the courts show bias in favor of the wife or mother. While statistics point to women obtaining custody more often than their spouses, this doesn’t mean there is a bias. Courts often award custody to mothers, which can be due to fathers not fighting for it. Legally, mothers and fathers have the exact same rights, and the court puts the child’s best interests above all others.
You and Your Partner Must Agree on Divorce
This myth could not be more wrong. Some believe both parties must agree to end their marriage for it to dissolve properly. If this were the case, people in abusive situations or negative relationships would not be able to leave, as their well-being and happiness would be in the hands of their partner.
Typically, you will want both parties on board, as this can help make the process much smoother. However, if one person wants a divorce, that means the relationship has some issues in the first place. While a divorce can still occur, one party disagreeing with the process will simply make the divorce more complicated.
Understanding these common divorce myths will help you understand the process better. Instead of thinking the system is against you, you can better work with the inner machinations of the court system and find ways to represent yourself fairly.