Aromatherapy is part of my wellbeing at home and in my daily life.
Here are some tips.

I have been using Aromatherapy since I can remember.
I use it in my house, in myself, in my family even when I had pets I would use it on them.

What is Aromatherapy
Is the use of plants and fruits extracts in form of oils, called essential oils when they are purely extracted.
Each oil has a different set of benefits or contraindications.
You need to be really careful while using aromatherapy essential oil!
- The scent does NOT have to be strong (99% of companies say is pure essential oil, when you open a bottle the smell is so strong you need to dilute it… this means is chemical, so don’t fool yourself on: “the stronger the purer”… not at all!).
- You can use essential oils on your skin, but make sure to make a test patch first!
- You can use diluted in an diffuser, mixed with water, mixel with carrier oils (such as almond base oil or grapeseed oil), on pillows, on breathing decongestants machines, on whatever you want (again: if using in something in contact with skin, make sure you make a test patch first).
- You can make your own perfume, your own soaps, moisturizers, lotions etc (test patch!)
- You can make your own massage oil for your baby and/or as a therapist
- You can use at all ages (the quantity of the drops per scent is a variable because of the age. Example: baby with months – 2 or 3 drop of lavender in 10ml of carrier oil; adult – 8 drops for 10ml of carrier oil)
- Make sure the brand has good reviews and is credible
- make sure you have a cool and dark to store the bottles.
- You can use on Aromatherapy Lockets (like this one that Essence of Arcadia sent to me and is a wonderful gift!).

And they kindly sent me this full set of Aromatherapy
If You follow the above tips… everything will be great.
there are loads of books and internet sites you can print what each plant/fruit/etc does so I won’t bother you much with it.
I made a little video talking about it
Some recipes for you to try (add in a diffuser, with oil, etc)
Fatigue Fighter
(energy booster)
- 4 drops of Bergamot
- 2 drops grapefruit
- 1 drop peppermint
Confidence, Concentration or Memory
(use in the diffuser while studying or add to a little 10ml bottle with carrier oil)
- 8 drops of grapefruit
- 5 drops basil
- 5 drops bergamot
- 1 drop lavender
(relieve stress and gives positive vibes – Diffuser)
- 2 drops peppermint
- 2 drops of frankincense
- 2 drops bergamot
Silent Night
(great for children – diffuser or add 30ml of water and spray in the room)
- 4 drops of Lavender
- 3 drops of Bergamot
Healing Blend
(when you think you’re getting under the weather or need to prevent)
- 2 drops of cinnamon
- 2 drops of frankincense
- 2 drops of rosemary
Sassy evening (for a romantic night – Diffuser or mixed with 30 ml carrier oil)
2 drops of cinnamon
3 drops of Lemongrass
2 drops of ginger
2 drops of lavender
2 drops of Ylang Ylang
Balance Chakras
(for 30 ml of carrier oil, use the chakra healing stones with a drop of this mix and rub each stone and place in the correspondent chakra and meditate)
- 2 drops Ylang ylang
- 3 drops Clary sage
- 1 drop Eucalyptus
- 2 drops frankincense
Cellulite lotion
(pick a non scented lotion or cream – 30 ml and use twice a day of the thighs, arms and buttocks. Warning: you will go to the loo several times!)
- 4 drops of grapefruit
- 4 drops of Orange
- 4 drops of lemongrass
- 4 drops of cinnamon
Let me know more recipes or tips if you have!
Get your Aromatherapy Here
Cheerio #aromatheraphy
Thank you to Essence of Arcadia
My opinion is honest and Unbiased