Grow your Own – 5 skin treatments you can grow for your child

Chamomile – Chamomile flowers have been used for thousands of years to soothe the skin and treat minor skin problems, such as sunburn. Make some fresh chamomile tea from organic chamomile flowers and wash the skin with it or give it to your child to drink to relieve him or her from a stomach acheand/or insomnia. Chamomile tea is very soothing and is great at helping children sleep, especially if they are the restless types and/or cry a lot.




Roses – A paste made with organic powdered roses and rose water is very versatile and is suitable for all skin types. It helps to maintain the skin’s natural PH balance and controls the production of excess oil which helps to prevent the formation of acne and also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin. Apply this paste to your child’s skin or add rose petals to chamomile tea to benefit from their healing properties.



Rosemary – Helps the skin fight free radicals, has antiseptic properties and protects the skin from UV rays. Rinse your child’s skin with rosemary tea to help heal sunburn and rashes. This tea is also wonderful at helping to slow down hair loss and encourage hair growth. Add fresh or dried rosemary to boiled water and rinse his or her face and hair with it after a shower once it becomes lukewarm.


Thyme – Fights harmful bacteria and fungal infections in both the skin and scalp. It also helps to get rid of ring worm and insect bites. Rinse his or her face and hair with thyme tea before bedtime, as it’s active ingredients will work to start healing any issues overnight. This tea is also wonderful at thickening the hair and as a blood cleanser when drunk. It will help to get rid of internal parasites when drunk as a tea. Add some nutritious fresh mint leaves for a better taste and effect.


Lavender – Has a calming and soothing nature, and its essential oil is often used in aromatherapy. Its oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and can help to speed the healing of cuts, infections burns in the skin and scalp. Add some drops of lavender oil or place some lavender under your child’s pillow to help him or her sleep.



Guest Post written by Mona Alyedreessy,

Founder of – natural soaps created with Middle Eastern ingredients.

Each soap is priced £22


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