Things I find in the Media I

I am going to start this topic with things i find in the Internet, TV or Magazines. They could be fashion for kids and parents, little recipes, cool stuff for kids and parents or maybe some Ideas of Decor, DIY or simply curiosities I found out.

I liked the caption of Happiness! Summer and Bubbles!
How cute can those shirts be and easy to make!
Pick a simple t-shirt and either draw the Panda shape or sew with felt or cloth the ears, eyes and nose and mouth.

I soooo want this…for almost anything! Million ideas for a bedroom decor!
This seems so practical. I am searching for a new pram since mine is a good one but not very practical now that RJ is becoming a toddler. (*snif*)
Amazon… you’ve done it right!
Not saying… just for kids (Run parents and make for youuuuu!!!)

My sister would love this when she was a kid… How cute s this!

Imagine how fun your baby would be nibbling this!! Haha buying one definitely.

There are more monsters or animals. One in my list for Rjs room.
I laughed so hard on this! What would you do??


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