Toy Box Surprise

I made a surprise to Richie.

I wanted to buy some toys for him, and his new Youtube channel, in which he is now making videos for kids, and I got scared of the prices on the high street. How is it possible to have toys for such a terrifying amount? A toy is a toy!

But if you think about trading and (thank you Brexit…) taxes, between the final costumer and the original manufacturer, a lot goes in the middle and you pay, sometimes, almost 3 times more of what is worth it. I am sorry I am not paying for work of people I don’t know… and also I have a household to run and my budget is tight!

I went online to buy some toys when suddenly I saw some advert for and went to their website. The prices and the range that they have are actually pretty much what I was searching.

You can search for a brand, age, gender and even if you would like an outdoor or some arts and crafts.

Resuming: I’ve spent £46 and by my research, it would have been on the High street the sum of £80 something. Kid happy and mum happy: a Win-Win combination!

Check out the video we’ve made with the unboxing:


What do you think? We had fun and now new videos incoming!


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