Spring cleaning tips for working moms

A woman cleaning a countertop

Taking care of your home while being excellent at your job is not easy, and we all just want to do the best we can. It’s not easy being a working mom since you always need just a little bit more time, and that can be quite a problem. Making sure your kids are happy and knowing if your home is an ideal size, will be easier if you know the best tips on spring cleaning for working moms.

Your home will look amazing in no time.

What are the best spring cleaning tips for working moms?

When it comes to being a working mom, you know that the time is just what you lack. That is why you have to make sure your spring cleaning is over as soon as possible. There are many ways to make sure that your home will look amazing and that you won’t spend too much time on it. Once you decide that you should start, make sure you:

● Make a cleaning plan

● Declutter and store before you start, this way you will be able to see just how much work you have

● Keep cleaning supplies in most of the rooms

● Get everyone to help you, including children

● Don’t just clean, take care of your furniture as well

● Take care of your backyard

● Clean smart

It doesn’t matter how much time you have, if you make sure you know all about the best spring-cleaning tips for working moms, you will do a great job. That is why you need to understand that getting organized is important.

Organize and make a plan

The entirety of your spring cleaning doesn’t have to be over in just one day. If there is too much work for you to do in your home, make sure you spread it out and get it done in a couple of days. Make an actual plan of your activities throughout the day to make sure you stay organized. Don’t just plan your working hours, but make sure you have enough time to see your friends and relax as well. You will perform better and be more efficient in this way.

Decluttering is important

If you own items you don’t need, you should donate them or throw them out. In case you are not up for this, you should store them in a storage unit.If you want to refresh your home for a new season, the best thing you can do is get rid of everything that you can and get new, fresh furniture. Plus, you will feel great if you choose to donate. However, if you are unable to donate some of your items or even store them, then it would be best to get rid of them. There are dumpster rentals available that are an ideal size for a small home cleanout, so you are not stuck with bags and boxes of unwanted items that wait around the house until you can get yourself to a disposal site. If you own items you don’t need, you should donate them or throw them out. In case you are not up for this, you should store them in a storage unit.

Cleaning supplies

When it comes to cleaning supplies, you want to make sure you have enough. You can use natural solutions, like lemons, vinegar, and baking soda or commercial cleaning supplies. What you need to ensure is that you have enough cleaning supplies at all times. You don’t want to be forced to stop mid-cleaning and go out to get more. Make sure you have them all over the house so you don’t have to walk far away to get them, as it can save you valuable time.

Get some help

Spring-cleaning tips for working moms are not here to suggest that these moms should take care of the house by themselves. It is really important that you get help. Ask your kids and spouse to give you a hand. If your kids are too young to help you out, make sure they have a safe place to play while you clean.

You can rearrange your furniture to visually get more space, so your kids can play inside. Clearing your floors from furniture will also help you get into those dusty corners more easily. If you want, you can hire professional home cleaners as well, but this is really up to you.

Clean and refresh your furniture

Taking care of your home will make it look better, that is the point of spring-cleaning. But, you should make sure that you are not just cleaning. Take care of your old furniture as well, and your home will look better for a longer period of time.

The backyard is a must when it comes to spring cleaning

Your backyard can make all the difference. If your backyard looks great in the springtime, you can be sure that you will love your home a lot more. That is why you should make sure you know the best ways of turning your backyard into a private oasis. You can enjoy it for quite a long time this way.

Be smart with the cleaning

Once you start cleaning, take shortcuts. This way, you will be able to get the job done much sooner. Instead of handwashing each of your kids’ toys, you can put all of them inside a pillowcase and wash them in the washing machine.

Use the vacuum cleaner for floors, walls, dust, and spiderwebs. If you are using the clothes dryer, make sure you take the clothes out and fold them as soon as they are dry so you don’t have to spend much time ironing.

Making sure that you have an effective and efficient spring-cleaning process is much easier if you know how to organize. Spring-cleaning tips for working moms should give you the best possible idea of what to direct your attention to, and how to get organized in the right way. There is nothing to worry about; working moms can take care of everything they need to and have enough time to enjoy some free time with friends or their kids.


Article by Sally Norton

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1 comment

  1. I’m really into decluttering at the moment and live by the motto ‘tidy desk, tidy mind’. I even bought Marie Kondo’s ‘Magic of Tidying’ book which I’m looking forward to reading – great tips Alejandra!

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