Festival season is almost over I know! Normally all around the world this Festival season starts from June to August and coincides with School/Uni breaks and Summer.
Time to search online for those festivals, pack some clothing, be fashion and bold (sliding for the boho chic /hippie styles) and let music invade our ears (if you’re in the Uk this means also pack wellies…because you know…. UK weather).
I am very practical on what to take when traveling.
Firstly because it will definitely be raining at any point and mud all over, then you can either stay on a tent or in a B&B just to sleep a couple of hours, and by the 3rd day, no one cares about showering anymore and clothing will probably have a bad ending (bin) because of the state of it.
So a couple of things I make sure I have them on my backpack (yes backpack) for a 3 day festival:
Tshirt (2), leggings (1) Jeans or shorts (1 you choose), underwear (2 of each), e.g: Cool T Shirt
- Remember to fold them neatly and divide it for the days. Pack basically the essential. remember that you will always have a night sleep, and between that you can wash with soap (or even body wash) and dry it somewhere. so don’t pack insanely 10 t shirts for every hour of the day. you won’t use them and will be having 10 kilos more on your backpack/bag for nothing.

Fleece comfortable warm shirt (because nights are cold), e.g.: Fleecy shirt
- Nights, even during Summer, can be a little cold. And nothing is worse than to sleep on a tent with cold (been there) or even not feeling warm in a bed or even walking during the night. Just be prepared…and don’t forget to fold it neatly.
Waterpoof jacket (which I love and I don’t want it to be ruined!) e.g.: Waterproof jacket
- Yes i do love my Berghaus jacket. Invest in a good quality jacket and durable… and specially water proof. you will probably will need to wash it after the festival (muds, etc) and a good quality jacket will not only do what is designed to do but also after washing. I got my jacket on Berghaus website and is super recommend it, since I can use it for any look or any time during the whole year.
Super packable jacket (those jacket that can be turned into a little pouch), e.g.: Packed Jacket
- I love these kinds of packet jackets (as I call them). They are very practical, can be taken anywhere and will do the trick. So you’re prepared and still it occupies a little room on your bag/backpack. Love it!
Durable shoes (apart from your wellies, remember that you will jump and walk…a lot), e.g.: Walking shoes
- Shoes are so important on everything. If you are comfortable and warm on your feet, you can make anything, am I right? If you’re going to a festival, you will walk a lot. From either where your tent is, or from the car park (normally is like miles away) or while jumping and having fun on the shows. your feet need to be comfortable and protected. no one likes blisters or go limping with pain. Trust me… I’ve also been there.
Basic things for Festival:
- toothbrush, brush, socks, wipes, chap stick and specially these 2 things: deodorant and plasters! This will be a lifesaver!

Do you have more tips for festival season that would like to share with me and with everyone reading here in Alejandra’s Life? leave me a comment below and I can add here on the post with your name on.
Happy Festival!