Mum on the go, go go! Beauty tips for beautifully busy mums

Remember when you used to take your time applying your makeup? Or spend hours practicing your craft? Experimenting with the latest eyeshadow palette or trying to master a smokey eye on both eyes?

Since having kids, most mums know that their priorities quickly change, which means a daily makeup routine simply consists of a quick slap of foundation and a swipe with a mascara wand – if they’re lucky!

But don’t worry if you miss those days of a full face of makeup and wonder if you’ll ever get the time to sit down and try some new makeup techniques.

Read on for some beauty tips for beautifully busy mums.


Start with a Good Base



You might not have time to create a flawless foundation finish, but you should still be cleansing, toning and moisturising your skin. Keeping a good skin care routine will not only make your skin healthy and dewy, but it provides a good base for your primer – click here for the best primers on the market today – and then, in turn, your foundation, concealer etc.

Make sure you know your skin type – oily, dry or combination – so you know that the products you’re using are beneficial for your skin and not causing you more problems.



BB and CC Creams




BB and CC creams are always worth investing in. They provide great coverage and it’s literally a put on and go product; making them ideal for busy mums. If you want light coverage and skincare benefits that I suggest a BB cream but for those who want colour correction and more coverage, a CC cream could be your new best friend.



Soothe your irritated skin



If your skin is red and angry, don’t worry there are plenty of ways to soothe it, even if you are a busy mum. Experts suggest having a nice long, oat bath will help your skin – but that’s hardly going to happen when you have the kids to chase after is it? Try a DIY face mask such as oatmeal and honey, apply it gently to your face and allow it to dry for ten minutes. You can still catch up on those household chores before you wash it off.



Go for the dewy look




The last thing us busy mums feel is fresh and dewy on a morning, but don’t worry – it’s still achievable. After you’ve completed your morning makeup routine, give your face a super quick spritz with a hydrating spray. This will give your makeup that illusive glow.



Use a silk pillowcase



This one requires minimal effort, making it perfect for mums on the go! Have a go and simply switching your traditional pillowcase for a silk one, and you’ll help reduce the appearance of lines on your face. How? Well, a silk pillowcase allows your skin to breathe during the night and won’t stretch your skin and make those tired lines look even worse.




Images Pixabay

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