For those who are new in my blog, I do have 3 main professions, and one of them (my first degree) is Interior Designer.
I do miss working in awesome projects: the tinier the space and the more challenging, the better for me.
I love studying, I love researching and I love to check the most amazing ideas for Decor.
This time I am showing you some of the most exquisite website I have found online.

You can have a tiny or a good area on your home, you can buy the most amazing furniture BUT without the lighting, the decor is not finished.
It always depends on the budget, but sometimes is better to make a good investment (yes I do love this word and I do love investments).
I’ve found this website called Unitary Lighting

Unitary Lighting exists in several countries (US, UK, China, Hong Kong and Australia) and they have their own designs but they can customize as per your requirement. Free shipping for US and Canada, and they ship worldwide.
You have several types of lighting models, but I have picked up some I liked best and divided into categories so it would fit in what I have in mind.
These is just a little selection that I have picked but they have lots of more models. It just depends on your decor and the space and light you wish to have, the proper ambience.
I picked these models so I can add them to my Idea book and have references for future projects.
Modern (can either be minimalist or in a different shape)

Glam (Chandeliers is the idea that comes to my mind…and lots of glass and glittery light)

Industrial Chic (an In vogue trend right now. Posh restaurants have them everywhere, why not at home?)

Rustic (for my Farm or Beach houses projects)

Vintage (a retro style that can be added to create an impact in an area)

And so much more you can find in their website
What would you pick?
Cheerio #lightingideas
Thank you to Unitary Lighting
My opinion is honest and Unbiased