Birthday parties are a great occasion for showing someone how much they mean to you. Besides from giving them a kickass gift, you get to be the one that brings everyone together and ensures that the special birthday person has an awesome day. Planning the perfect birthday party, however, is […]
3 Regras de Saúde essenciais que Todas As Pessoas deviam seguir
A nossa saúde é importantissima para nós! Afeta a maneira como nos sentimos, o que fazemos, como interagimos com as outras pessoas e até o nosso nível de abilidade e motivação. E para isso, é bastante essencial que tomemos conta da nossa saúde da melhor maneira possível. Afinal de contas, ninguém […]
3 Essential Health Rules That Every. Single. Person. Should Live By
Our health is so valuable to us! It affects the way we feel, what we can do, how we interact with other people and even our levels of ability and motivation. To that end, it’s pretty essential that we look after our health as best we can. After all, no […]
Genius Tech You Need In Your Home
If you are a lover of all things gadget and everything tech, then you are likely thinking about bringing as much of this technology into your home as physically possible. It’s fun to live in the era we do today because there are so many amazing inventions made each and […]
Tecnologias que necessitas em Casa
Se é um amante de gadgets e tudo o que é Tecnologias, entao deverá ter pensado em adquirir gadgets para a sua casa da melhor maneira possivel. É efectivamente prático e até divertido viver na era que vivemos hoje em dia, só pelo fato de haver tantas invenções magnificas que nos podem ajudar no nosso dia a […]
Summer Holidays Fun: Science Activities
Brilliant new Book from Dr Michelle Dickinson! Dr Michelle Dickinson is a World renowned nano scientist, that combines science and cooking in a fabulous new book that will ensure hours of entertainment for the kids to share with parents, grandparents, friend, siblings – actually anyone who wants to have fun! The Kitchen […]
Give Your BBQ A Japanese Twist with Yutaka
You guys know we love sushi and all Japanese food here at home. There is something from the culture that we love, and wouldn’t mind at all to move there to work now (* hint to any company #JapanHireMe *). But while does not happen, I have been making […]
9 Aspects to look into before planning a road trip
Either you’re a beginner or a Pro on road trips, either you go with the flow and not planning anything, or being a maniac like me and plan every step ahead (because I can’t deal with uncertainty… OCD me remember?), everyone needs some things checked and done before going on a road […]
Taking care of a Dog
I love Dogs. I am a Dog person. Faithful little buddies, playful and intelligent. Sometimes with too much enthusiasm, Dogs are there by your side. They need you and you need them. Right now, and with my way of life and where I live at the moment, I don’t have […]