Scrubba Wash Bag

How I love to work with my dear Aussies!

There isn’t a single product that I get from Australia, either for home or to travel, or fashion or beauty products that I don’t like. I am not being biased, I would never do that, I speak about what I like, it been always like that and no one will break that thing from me. (*wink*)

And here is one product that I never thought about it, but after I got it and try it, I have to say is one of the best things I have tried.

How many times have you went to holidays or even a weekend away, with or without kids, and something happens to that piece of clothing (like a wine spillage or simply you forgot to pack a couple of underwear for 5 days…and you took only 2!….guilty!), and here is the result: I would either ended in washing it in the bathroom sink, well semi-washing to be honest as I didn’t had a washboard. Or while traveling with Richie and his T-shirt got ice cream and it was his only T-shirt, and we got sunny weather for the rest of the days… And please don’t say things like: pack more clothing! It might happen to anyone!

But what about packing light?? Well Scrubba is the worlds most small washing machine.

  • Its lightweight (mine is 142 grams, but they launched a new, even lighter, wash bag with only 70 grams!),
  • Has a washboard incorporated in the interior,
  • Its affordable,
  • Its resistant,
  • Can wash clothing with no effort,
  • You can use washing gel or powder, or if you are traveling, use body wash or conditioner (works), just use whatever you have at hand,
  • Its multifunctional (can wash your clothing, be used as a wet bag, be used as a water bucket…yes I tried that…etc),
  • Will save you money: No more hotel laundry or paying other laundry on the street,
  • And actually a simple but nice feature: it has the instructions outside. Well once you use it once, you will remember, but just in case your kids want to take that to camping.


I got mine on their website:


They deliver worldwide, and believe me its worth it! Parents, singles, couples with no kids, and specially travellers. We like ours very much, but see for yourself on our video below!


Here is the Video:



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