#GoodGrows – Helping while you Eat (Giveaway included)

By now you guys now that I like to help in every bit I can. Either myself delivering for charities my own things, or working in a campaign along with brands or representative organizations. All with no fees or money in the middle: just a little bit of faith in humanity and that in my soul, and when I sleep at night, I am confident that I did a little bit to make others feel better.

Let me tell you about #GoodGrows:

Sunbites brand (that has a huge range of products from wholegrain Grain Waves or Popcorn to multigrain Crackers and most recently, the UK’s only veg and multigrain snack – Sunbites Veggie Harvest), believes that even the smallest actions can have a big impact and are championing the power of a little good.

Sunbites #GoodGrows campaign is working to give back to society and deliver goodness around the world. The Sunbites team has partnered with CARE International to launch the ‘Light Her Path’ initiative, aimed at improving the lives of women and children around the world by providing the education they deserve. This brilliant initiative helps in lots of ways, including building eco-friendly learning centres that are powered by solar panels.

They (Sunbites) believes that one small act of goodness can inspire others to do the same, having a ripple effect that turns into a wave of good. Whether the initial act is a move to improve the environment, volunteering for a charity or inviting your colleague on your lunchtime stroll, we believe that #GoodGrows, and we would like to seed some goodness back into Britain.

The Sunbites team has partnered with CARE International to launch the ‘Light Her Path’ initiative, aimed at improving the lives of women and children around the world and provide the education they deserve. This brilliant initiative helps in lots of ways, including building eco-friendly learning centres that are powered by solar panels. You can learn more about who CARE International is and the other ways this fantastic charity improves the lives of women & children around the world here https://www.careinternational.org.uk


I believe in that too. 

Good CAN grow! One of my life motto’s was always: “Do to others what you would like to receive.” (yes, it’s changed a bit from the original).

Have you ever thought that if something happens to you or yours if you have the actual help? It can happen to anyone, your probabilities are actually 50/50 of that happens.

But let me tell you something: If you help, and because I believe in Karma, you will have your share of happiness in sharing, giving or spreading the word. Faith doesn’t need to be about religion. It needs to be about you! About what you truly believe and what makes you happy. A positive soul is a positive person and makes the environment positive. That positivity helps others around you. In fact: Being positive towards life is infectious! If you smile, you’ll get a smile back.



Is Sunbites a good snack?

They are awesome! For you and your family, little ones included, as it’s made with wholegrains and no artificial flavours or colours, no preservatives or MSG, they are high in fibre, keeping you satisfied for long during the day and suitable for vegetarians. Plus they use renewable energies to produce the snacks (they have a great range on Popcorns as well). Don’t forget to try out their range on Veggie Harvest with real vegetables!


Giveaway Time (and you love it!)

In celebration of the CARE International partnership, which harnesses the power of the sun to power the educational centres, the sun that powered the new TV ad and the sun that grows Sunbites wholegrains, there is this wonderful Hamper to give away!

Included in the Hamper, is a solar powered phone charger. Besides being handy, it will encourage you to use the natural resource of light to charge your gadgets and help the environment as well.



UK ONLY! Enter Below and Good luck!

Sunbites #GoodGrow Hamper


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