Vitamins and Little ones – Let’s talk Health

What parents think now that colder days are arriving.

Vitamins are something that I always had at home.

Between me being sick with low immune system as a kid, between my anemia and food allergies, I had some pretty bad moments when I was a child.

So my mum always decided to have a batch of vitamins, on those early 80’s prescribed by the doctor of course, nowadays any one can buy them over the counter as they are a supplement and not to be mistaken for a healthy option – NOTHING is better than have a good fresh nutritional meal.

Fortunately RJ is a healthy boy going through a rough time with his ears (news coming over pretty soon) BUT he started to be a fussy eater… plus his Lactose intolerance.

There are days when is absolutely mad the fact he will drink only his soya milk or eat a lactose free yogurt and nothing else.

Plus if you add nursery you get the picture: he will become sick of course.


So I decided to get some vitamins from the market.


You have drops, you have pastilles or gummies… I am sticking with the gummies.


I got these Bassetts, as they are one of the big names in the vitamin section for children.


Researching a bit more about these Bassetts Vitamins 3-6 Multivitamins +Vitamin D & Calcium, here is what it says:

Bassetts Vitamins pledges to support family life with more colour, and that means theyre making sure you and your family have everything you need to be ready and set to go, whatever your days bring! Their tasty, fruity and vibrant little vitamins are here to help support your health, so the whole family can enjoy every single moment of life together. But, when the leaves turn amber, the radiator reluctantly goes on and the days shorten, youre certainly not alone if you feel like opportunities for family fun and adventure are limited. And, if that wasnt enough to contend with, we all know that getting your quota of time in the sun can feel like an extra challenge with a chill in the air– and clouds in the sky!

 With this in mind, and Department of Health experts now recommending that during autumn and winter everyone should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of Vitamin D to protect bone and muscle health, were excited to be working with you to celebrate the launch of Bassetts Vitamins 3-6 Multivitamins + Vitamin D & Calcium; delicious soft and chewy pastilles to help ensure your little one(s) get their all-important daily Vitamin D during the autumn and winter months! And, now that youve ticked that off your list, you can focus on maximising family fun and making the most of all the season has to offer.


Well I actually can’t try them, as they are in Peach flavour (yep…I AM allergic to Peach), but for what hubby said and quote:

hum hum hum *thumbs up*

And RJ asking for more, I assume they are lovely (now I will have to get these in Strawberry or orange for me!!).


As a person living in the UK and having problems with Lactose, these are perfect in a ways that Vitamin D and Calcium are important for children’s development. They each help to support healthy muscle function, healthy teeth and healthy bones – in fact, Vitamin D and Calcium are both necessary for normal bone growth and development in children.

And Public Health England advise that everyone needs an average daily intake of 10 micrograms of vitamin D (10µg), to protect their bone and muscle health; with much of this intake coming from sunlight during the spring and summer, the Department of Health experts now recommend that during autumn and winter everyone should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of Vitamin D.


This is a One-a-Day vitamin, so just once in a day, one gummy, and will fill the Daily dose of vitamins needed for the 3 to the 6 year olds needs.

Simple and practical right?


Now one thing all parents ask:

Will my child be more hyped than usual with these vitamins?

I can say that:

They are made with natural flavours and colours, and no added sugar. I prefer a house full of laughter and a child running and be tired of running after him, than an empty cold place with no happiness.


Do you agree?


For now I am keeping RJ with Bassetts Vitamins 3-6 Multivitamins +Vitamin D & Calcium and see how will it go.


But I have great news:

Our friends at Bassetts Vitamins have also created a fab code that you can use to get £2 off one pack of NEW Bassetts 3-6 Yrs Multivitamins Peach & Apricot + Calcium 30s at!

All you need to do is sign in as normal, apply the code BASSMVS2 at the checkout and embrace #NoDullDays!

You can only use the code once per transaction, and the code can only be redeemed on the first 5,000 valid claims until 23:59 on 12th November.*
*Subject to Boots T&Cs.


Disclosure: I was sent Bassetts Vitamins to try and make a review. My review is Unbiased and honest.

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