By now you guys now that I like to help in every bit I can. Either myself delivering for charities my own things, or working in a campaign along with brands or representative organizations. All with no fees or money in the middle: just a little bit of faith in […]
Sewing for Beginners – Part 1
Oh, brother… I want to be the perfect seamstress so much! My mother and my sister are perfect at it, I have friends and follow other people that show so many beautiful things… and I keep on dreaming about it. So this Part 1 shows what I have researched about how […]
3 Ways That You’re Getting Clothes Shopping Wrong
Some people seem to have it so easy when it comes to fashion. Whatever they wear, they look great, while you’re stuck at home spending hours trying to put together an outfit. Maybe those people are just blessed and they can pull off any outfit that they try, but that’s […]
The Fashion Musts Every Woman Should Own
The problem with fashion is that it changes so quickly, and that new dress or top you bought just a month ago could now be outdated. There are some clothing items that are timeless though, and with the right accessories, you can always be wearing a fashionable outfit. […]
Eve’s Parcel: the Subscription box for women
Eve’s Parcel is a period subscription parcel company. They provide their customers with monthly essential sanitary products as well as a mix of pampering products conveniently delivered to your door. The parcels include a mix of beauty skincare and relaxation products as well as indulgent edibles and wellbeing products. Eve’s Parcels is focused on female wellbeing […]
Being DIY creative ready
I love DIY. Having studied Architecture for 2 years to then change to Interior Design, and growing up in a Building family, Planning and designing is something natural. I worked with all different spaces: Big and spacious, or small in need of practical solutions. If you ask me: I love […]
Choosing Entertainment For Your Wedding
Choosing the right entertainment for your wedding can be a stressful part of wedding planning. You want to impress your guests and make sure they have a good time, but you also want to have something that you enjoy too. With so many options, it can be difficult to pinpoint […]
When the Doctor says: You can’t have more kids.
Nowadays, when you’re on your 20’s it’s the new teenagers, the 30’s is the new 20’s, your 40’s the new 30’s, and so on. It actually is. People are leaving their parents home later than 20 years ago, because of the financial situation or wanting to have company because they chose […]
Are There Any Ways You Can Improve Your Lifestyle? Here’s How To Do It
When it comes to the way we live we can often be striving to improve things. It might be for many different reasons. It could be for your health, it might be to improve the wealth you have or simply just to feel better. So how do you do it […]