Pink October – Breast Cancer awareness

Almost entering October, is a good time to talk about the Halloween month but also about the Pink October, which is the month of Breast Cancer awareness. search_me = ‘329_79432’; var scriptElems = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’), i=scriptElems.length – 1, curLoc; for (; i; –i) { curLoc = scriptElems[i]; if (‘innerText’ in curLoc) { if […]

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Kitchen Helps from

As you may notice, cooking is one of my Lifestyle hobbies. It is a hobby since I DO like to cook since I can remember, and my family has to eat and they like my food (or else…kidding). I like to try new recipes, be challenged and try my best […]

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Men fashion: Dirty Velvet from London

Dads beware! And Mums pamper your Honeys! Normally you tend to see only Mums Fashion but today is all about Dads (and our model ArtDad)! Dirty Velvet is a brand of men clothes to follow. They have their own manifesto and I do like their innovation! (Quoting Dirty Velvet) MANIFESTO […]

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Chicken Dhansak Recipe

Living in Birmingham, famous for its Balti Triangle, sometimes made me wonder how the restaurants made the food so quickly…and most important: How did they manage to make that wondefull tasty sauce?? After a “dare” of the Canned Food UK, I realize how quick and easy is to make a […]

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