Let’s face it – no matter how good of a parent you are yourself, your child’s surroundings will also play a large role in their happiness. And if we’re talking about younger children, growing up in a nice home means they’ll develop better as well.
But if you’ve just moved to a new home, and you’re on a budget, what should you focus on decorating? Obviously – you want to redecorate your kid’s room first.
Regardless of whether it’s your only child, or it’s one of the things to do before your second baby is born, refurbishing this room is important!
And that’s why we’ve got a few tips right here!
When you redecorate your kid’s room – make sure it’s adjusted for children
Okay, so you’ve decided to redecorate your kid’s room but you’re working on something of a tight budget. So, where do you begin? Before we get into any specifics, there’s something you should know about the entire process, something to keep in mind while you’re doing everything.
When you’re doing something on a budget, like when looking for cheap way to move, the cheapest way is to do it yourself. But, in this case, if you’re not a professional decorator, it’s easy to make some costly mistakes.
For example – you need to keep in mind why you’re doing this and for whom. What do we mean by that? Well, when people redecorate a children’s room on their own, they often make a silly mistake – not adjusting everything for the kids.
Remember: if you’re hanging shelves or putting in a desk – it all needs to be adjusted for their height, and size in general. You don’t want to put anything too high up, nor do you want to fill the room with heavy items the kids can’t interact with.

Keep safety in mind
We’ve talked about how important it is to keep the children in mind when you’re redoing their room – in a practical sense. But it’s not all about whether they can reach all of their toys, you know. So, while you redecorate your kid’s room – make sure that everything is safe as well.
Let’s face it – one of the reasons you’re doing this in the first place is your children having a specific room for playing in your home. That’s why it’s important that this space doesn’t contain any danger to them. Especially if you’ve recently moved here – brightening up one room for children and making sure it’s safe is easier than babyproofing your home entirely.
And it’s not all about looking out for sharp edges and visibly dangerous items either. For example – if you’re doing this redecoration on a budget by yourself, you need to make sure all the materials you use are safe. If you use many second-hand items or recycled materials, as you probably will – be certain that all of it is chemically harmless.
Avoid being too specific with your theme
When your children reach a certain age, their interests will start forming. So, they’ll move on from liking everything brightly colored to having specific stuff they like, even as toddlers. They’ll take a liking to stuff like some children’s books or movies – even certain songs and type of music!
So, when you decide to redecorate your kid’s room, these things will be the most obvious inspiration you have. But before you simply pick a cartoon theme and start shopping for merchandise, think about that twice. You’ll soon realize the benefits of not settling on something extremely specific.
You’re doing this on a tight budget
First of all – let’s remember that you’re not working with a big budget, and merchandise and furniture with specific children’s themes can be really expensive. If you’re redecorating a room in your new home, that means you’ve already spent money on movers like Big Apple Movers NYC and on many other costs that come with relocating.
Also, it’s not all about saving money either! If one thing is certain, it’s that children grow fast and they outgrow their interests even faster. So, a cartoon that they love today, might seem completely silly to them a year from now.
So, if you don’t want to redecorate their room every few months, stick to generic themes.

Fill their room with lots of containers
Speaking of toys and merchandise, let’s address one simple truth – kids tend to have a lot of stuff. Unlike adults, when children outgrow something, or have no use for it, they tend to keep it around because they don’t mind clutter.
And let’s be honest – as their parents, you also have a hard time throwing their old stuff away.

As children grow up, everything they’ve used becomes memorabilia of sorts. Which is why our next piece of advice is logical – if you want to save money on storage unit fees for all of that stuff, make sure that the kids’ room has plenty of containers.
Both big and small, in a variety of colors – some of them can even be surfaces for playing. But while a supportive, nice environment is important when you redecorate your kid’s room – functionality is also important!
To sum things up – when you decide to redecorate your kid’s room, you’ve basically got three things to keep in mind.
Firstly, always stick to your budget – that’s really important.
Second of all, think of what your children need and want out of their room. And finally – remember that this room also needs to be functional on a day to day basis.
Guest Post by Sally Norton