Luxury comes in many forms. It can be as simple as a long bath filled with the finest bath salts, creams and bombs or it can be as opulent as a sparkling diamond necklace by Cartier. While you can’t buy class, there’s no denying that a little sprinkling of luxury […]
The Tech Your Business Needs To Provide Seamless Customer Service
It doesn’t matter whether you run a hair salon, a restaurant or a clothing store, customer service should be at the forefront of everything you do. There’s a lot to be said for employing smiley staff, and dealing with issues that arise as swiftly as possible, but first class service […]
A sua Coleção de Acessórios vai mudar: Dicas para o seu Look
Ter uma extensa coleção de acessórios é uma boa ideia se quiser ter a certeza de que pode fazer com que cada um de seus looks fique bom quanto o possível. Acessórios podem melhorar ou piorar o seu look, e se tiver uma boa variedade, pode mistura-las e fazer com […]
Your Accessory Collection Will Never Be The Same After Reading This
Having an extensive accessory collection is a good idea if you want to make sure you can make each of your outfits look as good as possible. Accessories can make or break an outfit, and if you have a variety of them you can mix things up and make your […]
Reconectando-se com as pessoas que ama
A vida move-se tão rapidamente, sendo a carreira, família e saúde, a principal prioridade na nossa vida quotidiana. Vivemos num mundo tão saturado de tecnologia e de formas para nos podermos comunicar que parece meio que tonto precisarmos de um lembrete para ficar em contato com os nossos amigos. Nós […]
Reconnecting With People You Love
Life moves so quickly with career, family and health being the main priority in everyday life. We live in a world so saturated with technology and ways that we can communicate that it seems quite daft that we would even need a reminder to stay in touch with our friends. […]
6 Things Every Hiker should have prepared for Winter
Hiking or walking long distances during or cross country is a thing not many people like to do. For me makes me remember travelling with my mum and uncles and cousins through the mountains during Summer in one of Portugal’s highest mountain. Thankfully we now see towns with certain paths reserved for […]
Gousto Box | Fresh Recipe Box (Promo code inside!).
What a superb box! I am really happy about this box and actually amazed at how many things are inside. Fresh, Practical and making the math, it’s less than my weekly shopping! £3 per meal. My box (you can see the video below) is a box with 4 recipes for […]
Back to School with Degustabox | August 2018
Already Back to School? August box remembered us parents of some new things to get to school, like uniforms, books, scheduling again the meals and snacks to take on the lunch box; meanwhile, our little ones are dreading the day and playing outside on this August full of sun and heat […]