Novo video em Português. A Haier é uma boa marca chinesa de tecnologia e desenvolveu esta Air Fryer, para cozinhados sem oleo ou so com uma pequena dose de oleo. A Haier Air Fryer é de um site que envia para Portugal ou Brasil, e ficou por um bom […]
Getting Cash priorities sorted – Finance talk!
Note: the following post speaks about money and Loan companies – Be responsible with your money at all times. You work a lot in your life (I speak for me and the majority of people I know) and you reach some peaks in your life that you need an […]
Plus Size Fashion arrives at JD Williams – Fashion Alert!
Yes it did! JD Williams now has a beautiful Plus Size Collection, from several known brands. And YES Plus size people like to go to the gym! Either for toning the body or help them mentally or socially, Plus size Do like to go to the gym. Period! This is […]
Mindfulness for Busy People – Let’s Read!
I have been so busy doing so many things (or getting sick or even treating my family, that I have been putting my reading list a bit to the back as all I want with my precious quiet minutes is actually to sleep. So sorry to all the authors and […]
Skincare and Makeup from January
My dears this January was indeed Blue, cold and full of changes, both mentally and career. But will let you know in another post. This January I found in my little (huge) skincare care and perfume box, a little love I haven’t been using for years, from the time […]
Pandora going Disney Princess with a Charm
I just love a good pun (intended!). I was never much of Disney Princesses. But my generation was different. I had Bambi or Dumbo and I hate it. Snow White was the only one we had and I liked her and it grabbed my attention, but nothing beats My special […]
Testing Portable Tyre Inflators
Now here is a new thing to test and try… and Learn! We wanted for our cars one of these inflators, but why not test them out and try 2 of them? Both of them are and do exactly the same thing, from car tyres, to bikes, to inflates, kiddy […]