A very different topic to be written today. These past months have been, how can i quickly say, the hell of some months. Having been sleep deprived for so many months by my neighbours, generated a cronic state of stress that mentally can take even Wonder woman down. The stress […]
Degustabox Box of November 2017
Less than a month for Christmas!! I LOVE Christmas and anything that brings that warm feeling is welcomed in my home. Degustabox prepared a box and sent a Christmas card (very kind of you, Thank you!) and was filled with some canapés ideas and probably some stocking fillers as well […]
Let the Festivities Begin! THE CHRISTMAS TAG
You’re on Lauretta! My dear friend Lauretta from Home and Horizon, Tagged me for this fun Christmas Tag along with other Blogger, mums and dads, to answer some questions and tag even more people (muahahah!). And here are the questions… What’s Your Favourite Christmas Movie? Harry Potter, Polar […]
WheelyBug Unboxing and Giveaway (CLOSED)
Oh my Goodness, these past weeks have been impressively and insanely stressed, running around, trying to post and share plus taking care of RJ after his ear surgery…and moving houses! BUT That’s not why I wanted to create this post and GIVEAWAY! Hippychick has the WheelyBugs, which is a sort […]
Proper food with HECK and Square Pie
One of the brands I did knew, the other i didn’t. And I went to the BBC Winter Good Food show and jut needed to buy more from HECK as they are soooo good! Need an inspiration for lunch or diner meals for this Christmas holidays with the kids? […]
Trying out a Pizza under 400 Calories
Yes you’ve read right! A healthy pizza? From Pizza Express but that you can do at home? Yep, and read more because it will make you run and buy it on Waitrose or Sainsbury. Pizza Express created a few years ago, the Leggera base. This base is basically made with […]
Cancer Care Parcel
Hi Everyone, this was actually a bit emotional to speak about, as you can see on the video, but I think this is so nice to give to a person who is going through Cancer treatments and feeling the way they are, they need support and caring and why not […]
Game Night Ideas for this Christmas!
I love game night! Nothing like taking the games out around our family, taking some candy and snacks to nibble while were playing, creating memories, creating new rivalries that will end up with someone saying: I will never play with you again!” and then after 5 minutes those same ones […]
Using Aromatherapy in your home
Every single one of us loves their home smelling great and clean. But sometimes, with daily life stress, problems, lack of time, our home becomes with dull and that reflects in us and the energy in our house. Lack of sleeping, stressed times, depression, etc can happen. So I decided […]