
The hyphens are there for a reason. Anxiety has been a topic that most artists are now (finally) freely talking, and then the public decided to give the proper importance to it and talk about it. Good! But one thing is talking and other is doing something regarding it. Anxiety […]

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Do you Cross your legs?

Then….you shouldn’t!  This is a topic that i wanted to write about for quite some time and now is the time. Personally, I don’t cross my legs, since I started studying medicine, specially in the anatomy subject. Crossing legs have been instituted as a way of being Gracious and Chic […]

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Phobias: What are you afraid?

I’ve seen something this morning that made me thinks about it so: Let’s talk about phobias. For you maybe is a different kind of subject here on my blog, but the fact is that I have been working with people with phobias for at least 15 years in my medical […]

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Shiatsu at home

I learned and worked for many years, even teached Shiatsu in my medical career. A good Shiatsu session will make you feel all beaten up, sored but will definitely make a difference. What is Shiatsu? Is a a form of therapy of Japanese origin based on the same principles as acupuncture, […]

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Are you taking care of your teeth properly?

And you will think: Of course I am! brush my teeth and use a bunch of things… But are you really taking care of them? Many of your dentist will know (for sure…they learn it in med school) that the normal enamel colour is a white yellowish. Why? Because you […]

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Supplements and the new way of home health

FTC disclaimer: This post was sponsored by CRN and as I am a contributor for Mom It Forward, but I am in no way biased on what I write. My Opinion is honest and will always be. Everyone nowadays takes, at least once a year, a supplement that has not […]

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Food allergies You didn’t knew!

My Dears the truth is: Our food is not the same from 50 years ago. And with all the chemicals, pollution and preservatives and a lot of politics behind, our food is not good and is poisoning us. Not to be dramatic here, but do you know anyone that doesn’t […]

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5-HTP: Depression, Serotonin and Sleep

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan. It is also produced commercially from the seeds of an African plant known as Griffonia simplicifolia 5-HTP is used for sleep disorders such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, migraine and tension-type headaches, fibromyalgia, obesity, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric […]

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Astaxanthin – Arthritis, Cancer and much more

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid, a chemical found naturally in certain plants and animals. A type of algae makes astaxanthin. This algae is used as a source for the astaxanthin in supplements. Some types of seafood also contain astaxanthin. Astaxanthin gives salmon and lobster their reddish color, and flamingo feathers their […]

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