Lighting Caos Creo Lamp Table Lamp A 2D lamp that is a lamp! Italian Designers Caos Creo created this awesome piece. Made entirely in Steel, the back of the lamp has the support for the lamp bulb, while the lower part/or foot has a mirror to create more luminosity. Supports: […]
Toys and Games: Christmas Gift List
Cars Wall Racer / Tank Racer The Wall Racer is a gravity defying sports car that will turn the walls and ceilings into a new playground. By incorporating suction with the fun of a remote control car, the Wall Racer is able to climb walls and race across ceilings. […]
Christmas Gift Lists: Advent Calendars 2020
Nothing is better than the anticipation of Christmas… or in fact, there is one thing as good as Christmas: Advent Calendars! I do love a good Advent Calendar and there are multiple types: quotes, sweets, jewellery, beauty products, etc. I will show you some of my favorites from this year! […]
Discover The Top Reasons Your Bathroom Smells Of Sewage
The smell of sewage is distinctive and hard to eliminate once it has gone up your nose. It’s certainly a smell you’ll want to eliminate as fast as possible, especially if you have friends or loved ones visiting. After all, most people are house proud and a stinky bathroom is […]
Discover 5 Amazing Benefits of Filtered Water
Water appears to be everywhere but the truth is that only 0.3% of all the water on earth is useable by humans! The majority of the water that is usable has passed through rocks and soil. This allows contaminants to join the water supply, these range from minerals to fertilizers, […]
Glittering up your Look for the Party Season
When things started to look like returning to a new normal, and people getting out and having a proper life, there came the colder days to sort that out, right? As I have written previously, even working at home or staying at home more often, that never meant (at least […]
Good sides of raising a family in an apartment
At first glance, high-rise buildings may not project the poise and the charm as much as good, ol’ houses in the suburbs. It is nevertheless an understatement to say that there are numerous benefits to raising your family in an apartment. It’s no wonder so many people rush to live, […]
5 Tips To Sell Your Wirral Home During COVID-19
Coronavirus pandemic has made a major impact on our day to day life. It brought the whole world to a standstill. Our normal life was tremendously affected by this pandemic. As the personal life of every individual was affected so was the business world too. Many lost their jobs and […]
Fashion Picks for October: Halloween at Home
And Halloween is upon us, and we can’t have parties this year. Meaning no more sexy angels or red riding zombie hoods this year (*snif*). What about this cold? Well one thing I am sure: I am keeping up with cozy now, working from home and grabbing a cuppa. […]