Getting Back To Work After A Long Time Away

There are many reasons why you might have a long time off work. It could be that you suffered a bout of some horrible illness and that you are only just recovering enough to get back on the treadmill of daily work. Or it might be that you took maternity […]

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How Do People Live Healthily 24/7?

Not everybody lives an extremely healthy or extremely unhealthy life; most of us fall somewhere in between those two ends of the spectrum. We might eat vegetables and go for occasional walks, but we struggle to maintain a long-term healthy routine. But if that sounds like you then it might […]

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No mean No, and needs to be Respected!

The World is going through a strange change. Just when you think somethings are actually changing for good, corruption comes back and rips it away again. So many have been going on with the so called Fake News, lies of the media, because actually there isn’t a filter anymore. I am not […]

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3 Tips to Make Your Workout More Effective

The most toned and muscular individuals often spend hours in the gym to achieve their physique. Bodybuilders work out as much as six hours per day, lifting weights and running laps. It’s a great way to get fit, but most people don’t have that kind of time to commit to […]

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Your Wellbeing As You Age: Things To Remember

As we get older, it’s important to ensure we’re happy and healthy physically, spiritually, and mentally. Ensuring we take care of all three aspects of ourselves contributes to our overall well being, which is essential for happiness. Wellbeing is a feeling of contentment and peace. It can also be happiness, […]

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From The Mouth To The Brain: Healthy Living

The body is a complex machine. The secret of keeping healthy is to ensure that every part of the machine functions as it should. However, as with most engines, you need a fuel system to provide the necessary energy. In your standard car, it’s the combination of petrol and electricity […]

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Myths About Piercings

Are you thinking about getting a piercing? Maybe you have wanted to get your lip pierced for quite some time? Or, maybe you are thinking about jumping on the nose ring hype train? Perhaps it is your daughter who wants a piercing and you are worried? No matter what applies, […]

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10 Simple Ways To Stay On Top Of Your Health

When it comes to your health, you know that you have to make it a priority. But sometimes, this is easier said than done. It can really easy to just go along with everyday life and to forget about looking after yourself. But, this is how you let your health […]

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3 Essential Health Rules That Every. Single. Person. Should Live By

Our health is so valuable to us! It affects the way we feel, what we can do, how we interact with other people and even our levels of ability and motivation. To that end, it’s pretty essential that we look after our health as best we can. After all, no […]

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