How to select the right paint for your new home

Paintbrushes and paint can.

If you have decided to freshen up your new home, painting is the first and obvious step. Although it may seem like an easy enough task, more often than not, it is a cause of many headaches. This is due to the strenuous road you must take to get from […]

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How to Choose the Best House Layout for Your Family

Getting to build a house from the ground up is a dream come true for many people. This approach often seems much better to future homeowners than buying a brand new premade home or a previously owned one because everything can be made according to the family’s wishes and needs. […]

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How to Transform Your Home Decor to a Luxury Decor

Luxury Decor

Either you’re a Minimalist or simply love your home full of memories, there is something 90% of people like: having their home Stylish. Either you have the budget or not, we can turn our homes with style if we use simple tips and pieces on the right place and with […]

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Home Improvement Ideas to Tackle This Fall

Well-organized and bright living room with cozy furniture

Fall is the ideal season for home improvement ideas, projects, renewals, and repairs. After the summer vacation, we have the energy and time to commit to some preparations for the colder days. Now is the perfect time to plan a few DIY projects and put some effort into doing them. […]

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Tips for finding a family-friendly apartment

A family preparing a breakfast

Finding the right apartment can be difficult, but if you have a family and need to think about your kids’ needs, things become even trickier. Finding a family-friendly apartment can take some time because you have to find an ideal neighborhood for raising children. When you finally find the perfect […]

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Essential Sewing Supplies You Need for Your Next Project

Are you an aspiring seamstress? If you have never sewn a garment before, you might feel surprised when you realize how many things you need to complete your project. However, with the right tools, you can make customized dresses that no one can match. What will you need to stock […]

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Summer Decluttering Projects

View of a decluttered and cleaned living room area.

By Sally Norton   Summer has arrived. Even though you might have completed your spring cleaning and decluttering on time, there are still a few things you need to do to maintain your house in tip-top shape. Living in an organized and clutter-free space will help you feel happier and […]

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Richie’s toys: Eco-friendly and Magnetic Toys

In this episode of Richie’s Toys, we are going to share the latest toy play we have been doing during the lockdown. Thinking a lot about the environment and a bit of STEM challenges.   Why Eco-friendly toys When we say eco-friendly, most people tend to think about wooden toys, […]

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How the Right Lighting Can Make Your Home Appear Luxurious

You can have the prettiest house on the block but unless it is well lit after dark both from the inside and the outside, all your effort will go to waste without the right lighting. There are various factors you need to account for when setting up the lighting in […]

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