Eterneva is a fast-growing company based in Austin, Texas, that makes memorial diamonds, allowing people to memorialize their loved ones in a unique way. Carbon in the Human Body To understand how the process of making memorial diamonds works, it is important to know the basics of human biology. […]
7 Thoughtful Things You Can Do for Your Parents
Where would we be without our parents? Parents spend a good portion of their lives providing endless support and unconditional love to their children. Whether it’s an upcoming holiday or a special occasion, there are plenty of times when they deserve to receive all that tender love and care that […]
The Stigma of Fostering and Adopting – How can you help on this Children Day.
153 million children worldwide are orphans (estimated by UNICEF) can you imagine how much love is missing and care is not given? In my clinic, I have worked many years with people that wanted to get pregnant through natural ways. Through combination of acupuncture, exams, and homeopathy, we worked out […]
How to Know You’re Ready for Marriage
There’s no typical time frame for getting married. Some couples get engaged after only knowing each other a few months, while other couples wait decades before tying the knot. If you and your partner are wondering when it will be the right time, there are a few signs you can […]
6 Things to Do If You Think Your Partner Is Cheating
It’s never a good feeling to think your partner is cheating. It impacts not only your relationship but your self-esteem as well. Before you confront and accuse your significant other (SO), here’s what you should do. Make A List Consider this your pros and cons list. The pros would […]
How does COVID-19 anxiety impact children
The circumstances we are spending our weeks and months in are far from perfect. It is only natural that everybody is scared and confused. There is not a single age group the virus is not affecting at least indirectly. The eldest members of our society are endangered since getting infected […]
7 Unexpected Ways That Pregnancy Affects Your Life
If you have a baby on board, you’ve likely spent hours scouring the internet for information on how to select the right crib and a long list of other minutiae. However, some of the changes associated with pregnancy don’t receive a whole lot of press. Forewarned is forearmed, so it […]
7 Ways to Maintain a Positive Relationship During a Divorce
By Emma Williams Even if you and your ex-spouse get the best lawyers in Australia and you both agree that a divorce is something that will do you good both, it is not an easy process. Everything from joint accounts, shared property and the most important, children are going […]
5 Things That Clumsy People Understand More Than Others
Whether you are knocking things over as you walk ten feet away from them, or you’re tripping over your own feet and ending up in the hospital, you know what it’s like to be clumsy. Most of the time, being clumsy is awkward and embarrassing, and it regularly feels challenging […]