Ok, it’s official! We are addicted to Drayton Manor Park! Its such a great fun filled day for us, as a family, full of things to see and do. We are normally the firsts to arrive and the last to go away (insert here a very laughing out loud emoji!). […]
When a relationship ends: What happens now?
Either in a lovers relationship or a very old friendship, what happens after so many memories were made and how do we cope after it ends? Because sometimes in life, things end sooner than we think. How do we carry on and how do we feel? Here are some things […]
Family Meals at Tom’s Kitchen Restaurant
Family Meals are important to us. Either at home or in a restaurant, our little family deserves a good meal, in a quiet place to talk about everything. We went to Tom’s Kitchen at the Mailbox, in the heart of Birmingham, for a real meal in a good ambience for families. Situated […]
Reconnecting With People You Love
Life moves so quickly with career, family and health being the main priority in everyday life. We live in a world so saturated with technology and ways that we can communicate that it seems quite daft that we would even need a reminder to stay in touch with our friends. […]
All Isn’t Fair In Love And Work
Businesses tend to get away with a lot when it comes to their employees. With people working for them who will find it hard to stick up for themselves, don’t know what their rights are, or simply don’t mind being taken advantage of – this is only made easier for […]
How to Plan the Perfect Birthday Party
Birthday parties are a great occasion for showing someone how much they mean to you. Besides from giving them a kickass gift, you get to be the one that brings everyone together and ensures that the special birthday person has an awesome day. Planning the perfect birthday party, however, is […]
When the Doctor says: You can’t have more kids.
Nowadays, when you’re on your 20’s it’s the new teenagers, the 30’s is the new 20’s, your 40’s the new 30’s, and so on. It actually is. People are leaving their parents home later than 20 years ago, because of the financial situation or wanting to have company because they chose […]
Toy Box Surprise
I made a surprise to Richie. I wanted to buy some toys for him, and his new Youtube channel, in which he is now making videos for kids, and I got scared of the prices on the high street. How is it possible to have toys for such a terrifying amount? […]
4 Ideas For The Ultimate Sweet Sixteenth
Birthdays are so much fun, aren’t they? Some of the most memorable times that we have in our lives happen on our birthdays and they make us feel special, individual and the centre of attention. One of the biggest birthdays that we will ever have is our sweet sixteenth. It’s […]